# This repo for my tasks Math/statistic tasks have been created in this repository ## Subj / loc - ```DOCS``` - directory, where there is information about courses and study materials - ```Practica``` - directory, where there are small programs for easy tasks. One file - one small task. DETAILS HERE: [README.md](practica/README.md) - [Math tasks](practica/math/) - Here you can find different tasks/ [README.md](practica/math/README.md) - [Math](practica/math/ord_tasks/) - Details here: [README.md](practica/math/ord_tasks/README.md) - [Statistic](practica/math/statistic/) - Details here: [README.md](practica/math/statistic/README.md) - [Statistics tasks](practica/math/statistic/Statistic_tasks/) - [Variance](practica/math/statistic/Variance/) - [Course's tasks](practica/stepik/) - Here you can find various of tasks i did for different courses. DETAILS HERE: [README.md](practica/stepik/README.md) - [Beneficial features](practica/stepik/beneficial_features/) - [Sketches](practica/stepik/sketches/) - [Courses's tasks](practica/stepik/stepik_tasks/) ## Who's maintainer ```Yesen``` - alesa.tomer@mail.ru ## Where do u learn it? Read [this](docs/README.md).