# Basic profile for i2pd # Should work without modifications with Ubuntu/Debian packages # Author: Darknet Villain # #include /usr/sbin/i2pd { #include network inet dgram, network inet stream, network inet6 dgram, network inet6 stream, network netlink raw, /etc/gai.conf r, /etc/host.conf r, /etc/hosts r, /etc/nsswitch.conf r, /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf r, # path specific (feel free to modify if you have another paths) /etc/i2pd/** r, /run/i2pd/i2pd.pid rw, /var/lib/i2pd/** rw, /var/log/i2pd/i2pd.log w, /var/run/i2pd/i2pd.pid rw, /usr/sbin/i2pd mr, /usr/share/i2pd/** r, # user homedir (if started not by init.d or systemd) owner /home/*/.i2pd/** rw, }