#include "Log.h" #include "SSU.h" #include "SSUData.h" namespace i2p { namespace ssu { SSUData::SSUData (SSUSession& session): m_Session (session) { } SSUData::~SSUData () { for (auto it: m_IncomleteMessages) if (it.second) { DeleteI2NPMessage (it.second->msg); delete it.second; } for (auto it: m_SentMessages) { for (auto f: it.second) delete[] f; } } void SSUData::ProcessSentMessageAck (uint32_t msgID) { auto it = m_SentMessages.find (msgID); if (it != m_SentMessages.end ()) { // delete all ack-ed message's fragments for (auto f: it->second) delete[] f; m_SentMessages.erase (it); } } void SSUData::ProcessMessage (uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { //uint8_t * start = buf; uint8_t flag = *buf; buf++; LogPrint ("Process SSU data flags=", (int)flag); if (flag & DATA_FLAG_EXPLICIT_ACKS_INCLUDED) { // explicit ACKs uint8_t numAcks =*buf; buf++; for (int i = 0; i < numAcks; i++) ProcessSentMessageAck (be32toh (((uint32_t *)buf)[i])); buf += numAcks*4; } if (flag & DATA_FLAG_ACK_BITFIELDS_INCLUDED) { // explicit ACK bitfields uint8_t numBitfields =*buf; buf++; for (int i = 0; i < numBitfields; i++) { buf += 4; // msgID // TODO: process individual Ack bitfields while (*buf & 0x80) // not last buf++; buf++; // last byte } } uint8_t numFragments = *buf; // number of fragments buf++; for (int i = 0; i < numFragments; i++) { uint32_t msgID = be32toh (*(uint32_t *)buf); // message ID buf += 4; uint8_t frag[4]; frag[0] = 0; memcpy (frag + 1, buf, 3); buf += 3; uint32_t fragmentInfo = be32toh (*(uint32_t *)frag); // fragment info uint16_t fragmentSize = fragmentInfo & 0x1FFF; // bits 0 - 13 bool isLast = fragmentInfo & 0x010000; // bit 16 uint8_t fragmentNum = fragmentInfo >> 17; // bits 23 - 17 LogPrint ("SSU data fragment ", (int)fragmentNum, " of message ", msgID, " size=", (int)fragmentSize, isLast ? " last" : " non-last"); // find message with msgID I2NPMessage * msg = nullptr; IncompleteMessage * incompleteMessage = nullptr; auto it = m_IncomleteMessages.find (msgID); if (it != m_IncomleteMessages.end ()) { // message exists incompleteMessage = it->second; msg = incompleteMessage->msg; } else { // create new message msg = NewI2NPMessage (); msg->len -= sizeof (I2NPHeaderShort); incompleteMessage = new IncompleteMessage (msg); m_IncomleteMessages[msgID] = incompleteMessage; } // handle current fragment if (fragmentNum == incompleteMessage->nextFragmentNum) { // expected fragment memcpy (msg->buf + msg->len, buf, fragmentSize); msg->len += fragmentSize; incompleteMessage->nextFragmentNum++; if (!isLast && !incompleteMessage->savedFragments.empty ()) { // try saved fragments for (auto it1 = incompleteMessage->savedFragments.begin (); it1 != incompleteMessage->savedFragments.end ();) { auto savedFragment = *it1; if (savedFragment->fragmentNum == incompleteMessage->nextFragmentNum) { memcpy (msg->buf + msg->len, savedFragment->buf, savedFragment->len); msg->len += savedFragment->len; isLast = savedFragment->isLast; incompleteMessage->nextFragmentNum++; incompleteMessage->savedFragments.erase (it1++); delete savedFragment; } else break; } } } else { if (fragmentNum < incompleteMessage->nextFragmentNum) // duplicate fragment LogPrint ("Duplicate fragment ", (int)fragmentNum, " of message ", msgID, ". Ignored"); else { // missing fragment LogPrint ("Missing fragments from ", (int)incompleteMessage->nextFragmentNum, " to ", fragmentNum - 1, " of message ", msgID); incompleteMessage->savedFragments.insert (new Fragment (fragmentNum, buf, fragmentSize, isLast)); } isLast = false; } if (isLast) { // delete incomplete message delete incompleteMessage; m_IncomleteMessages.erase (msgID); // process message SendMsgAck (msgID); msg->FromSSU (msgID); if (m_Session.GetState () == eSessionStateEstablished) i2p::HandleI2NPMessage (msg); else { // we expect DeliveryStatus if (msg->GetHeader ()->typeID == eI2NPDeliveryStatus) { LogPrint ("SSU session established"); m_Session.Established (); } else LogPrint ("SSU unexpected message ", (int)msg->GetHeader ()->typeID); DeleteI2NPMessage (msg); } } buf += fragmentSize; } } void SSUData::Send (i2p::I2NPMessage * msg) { uint32_t msgID = msg->ToSSU (); if (m_SentMessages.count (msgID) > 0) { LogPrint ("SSU message ", msgID, " already sent"); DeleteI2NPMessage (msg); return; } auto fragments = m_SentMessages[msgID]; msgID = htobe32 (msgID); size_t payloadSize = SSU_MTU - sizeof (SSUHeader) - 9; // 9 = flag + #frg(1) + messageID(4) + frag info (3) size_t len = msg->GetLength (); uint8_t * msgBuf = msg->GetSSUHeader (); uint32_t fragmentNum = 0; while (len > 0) { uint8_t * buf = new uint8_t[SSU_MTU + 18]; fragments.push_back (buf); uint8_t * payload = buf + sizeof (SSUHeader); *payload = DATA_FLAG_WANT_REPLY; // for compatibility payload++; *payload = 1; // always 1 message fragment per message payload++; *(uint32_t *)payload = msgID; payload += 4; bool isLast = (len <= payloadSize); size_t size = isLast ? len : payloadSize; uint32_t fragmentInfo = (fragmentNum << 17); if (isLast) fragmentInfo |= 0x010000; fragmentInfo |= size; fragmentInfo = htobe32 (fragmentInfo); memcpy (payload, (uint8_t *)(&fragmentInfo) + 1, 3); payload += 3; memcpy (payload, msgBuf, size); size += payload - buf; if (size & 0x0F) // make sure 16 bytes boundary size = ((size >> 4) + 1) << 4; // (/16 + 1)*16 // encrypt message with session key m_Session.FillHeaderAndEncrypt (PAYLOAD_TYPE_DATA, buf, size); m_Session.Send (buf, size); if (!isLast) { len -= payloadSize; msgBuf += payloadSize; } else len = 0; fragmentNum++; } DeleteI2NPMessage (msg); } void SSUData::SendMsgAck (uint32_t msgID) { uint8_t buf[48 + 18]; // actual length is 44 = 37 + 7 but pad it to multiple of 16 uint8_t * payload = buf + sizeof (SSUHeader); *payload = DATA_FLAG_EXPLICIT_ACKS_INCLUDED; // flag payload++; *payload = 1; // number of ACKs payload++; *(uint32_t *)(payload) = htobe32 (msgID); // msgID payload += 4; *payload = 0; // number of fragments // encrypt message with session key m_Session.FillHeaderAndEncrypt (PAYLOAD_TYPE_DATA, buf, 48); m_Session.Send (buf, 48); } } }