i2pd ==== I2P router written in C++ License ------- This project is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license, which can be found in the file LICENSE in the root of the project source code. Requirements for Linux/FreeBSD/OSX ---------------------------------- GCC 4.6 or newer, Boost 1.46 or newer, crypto++. Clang can be used instead of GCC. Requirements for Windows ------------------------ VS2013 (known to work with 12.0.21005.1 or newer), Boost 1.46 or newer, crypto++ 5.62. Downloads ------------ Official binary releases could be found at: http://download.i2p.io/purplei2p/i2pd/releases/ Build Statuses --------------- - Linux x64 - [![Build Status](https://jenkins.greyhat.no/buildStatus/icon?job=i2pd-linux)](https://jenkins.nordcloud.no/job/i2pd-linux/) - Linux ARM - To be added - Mac OS X - Got it working, but not well tested. (Only works with clang, not GCC.) - Microsoft VC13 - To be added Testing ------- First, build it. On Ubuntu/Debian based * sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev libcrypto++-dev libboost-date-time-dev * $ cd i2pd/build * $ cmake .. * $ make Then, run it: $ ./i2pd The client should now reseed by itself. By default, the web console is located at http://localhost:7070/. For a list of cmake options, see build/BUILD_NOTES.md Building Unit Tests ------------------- To build unit tests, you'll need to install the boost unit test framework. On Ubuntu/Debian based * sudo apt-get install libboost-test-dev To build the tests, run $ cmake .. -DWITH_TESTS=ON Cmdline options --------------- * --host= - The external IP (deprecated). * --port= - The port to listen on * --httpport= - The http port to listen on * --httpaddress= - The ip address for the HTTP server, by default * --log= - Enable or disable logging to file. 1 for yes, 0 for no. * --daemon= - Enable or disable daemon mode. 1 for yes, 0 for no. * --service= - 1 if uses system folders (/var/run/i2pd.pid, /var/log/i2pd.log, /var/lib/i2pd). * --v6= - 1 if supports communication through ipv6, off by default * --floodfill= - 1 if router is floodfill, off by default * --bandwidth= - L if bandwidth is limited to 32Kbs/sec, O if not. Always O if floodfill, otherwise L by default. * --httpproxyport= - The port to listen on (HTTP Proxy) * --httpproxyaddress= - The address to listen on (HTTP Proxy) * --socksproxyport= - The port to listen on (SOCKS Proxy) * --socksproxyaddress= - The address to listen on (SOCKS Proxy) * --proxykeys= - optional keys file for proxy's local destination * --ircport= - The local port of IRC tunnel to listen on. 6668 by default * --ircaddress= - The adddress of IRC tunnel to listen on, by default * --ircdest= - I2P destination address of IRC server. For example irc.postman.i2p * --irckeys= - optional keys file for tunnel's local destination * --eepkeys= - File name containing destination keys, for example privKeys.dat. The file will be created if it does not already exist (issue #110). * --eepaddress= - Address incoming trafic forward to. by default * --eepport= - Port incoming trafic forward to. 80 by default * --samport= - Port of SAM bridge. Usually 7656. SAM is off if not specified * --samaddress= - Address of SAM bridge, by default (only used if SAM is on) * --bobport= - Port of BOB command channel. Usually 2827. BOB is off if not specified * --bobaddress= - Address of BOB service, by default (only used if BOB is on) * --i2pcontrolport= - Port of I2P control service. Usually 7650. I2PControl is off if not specified * --i2pcontroladdress= - Address of I2P control service, by default (only used if I2PControl is on) * --i2pcontrolpassword= - I2P control service password, "itoopie" by default * --tunnelscfg= - Tunnels Config file (default: ~/.i2pd/tunnels.cfg or /var/lib/i2pd/tunnels.cfg) * --conf= - Config file (default: ~/.i2pd/i2p.conf or /var/lib/i2pd/i2p.conf) This parameter will be silently ignored if the specified config file does not exist. Options specified on the command line take precedence over those in the config file. Config files ------------ INI-like, syntax is the following : = . All command-line parameters are allowed as keys, for example: i2p.conf: log = 1 v6 = 0 ircdest = irc.postman.i2p tunnels.cfg (filename of this config is subject of change): ; outgoing tunnel sample, to remote service ; mandatory parameters: ; * type -- always "client" ; * port -- local port to listen to ; * destination -- i2p hostname ; optional parameters (may be omitted) ; * keys -- our identity, if unset, will be generated on every startup, ; if set and file missing, keys will be generated and placed to this file ; * address -- address to listen on, by default [IRC] type = client port = 6668 destination = irc.echelon.i2p keys = irc-keys.dat ; incoming tunnel sample, for local service ; mandatory parameters: ; * type -- always "server" ; * host -- ip address of our service ; * port -- port of our service ; * keys -- file with LeaseSet of address in i2p ; optional parameters (may be omitted) ; * inport -- optional, i2p service port, if unset - the same as 'port' ; * accesslist -- comma-separated list of i2p addresses, allowed to connect ; every address is b32 without '.b32.i2p' part [LOCALSITE] type = server host = port = 80 keys = site-keys.dat inport = 81 accesslist = [,] Acknowledgment -------------- The ed25519/ folder is based on the [ref10 implementation from SUPERCOP](http://bench.cr.yp.to/supercop.html).