HTML Processing Instruction Reference $Id: pi.xsl 9848 2014-01-17 22:44:39Z bobstayton $ Introduction This is generated reference documentation for all user-specifiable processing instructions (PIs) in the DocBook XSL stylesheets for HTML output. You add these PIs at particular points in a document to cause specific “exceptions” to formatting/output behavior. To make global changes in formatting/output behavior across an entire document, it’s better to do it by setting an appropriate stylesheet parameter (if there is one). Sets background color for an image Use the dbhtml background-color PI before or after an image (graphic, inlinegraphic, imagedata, or videodata element) as a sibling to the element, to set a background color for the image. dbhtml background-color="color" background-color="color" An HTML color value Background color Sets background color on a CALS table row or table cell Use the dbhtml bgcolor PI as child of a CALS table row or cell to set a background color for that table row or cell. dbhtml bgcolor="color" bgcolor="color" An HTML color value Cell background color Specifies cellpadding in CALS table or qandaset output Use the dbhtml cellpadding PI as a child of a CALS table or qandaset to specify the value for the HTML cellpadding attribute in the output HTML table. dbhtml cellpadding="number" cellpadding="number" Specifies the cellpadding html.cellpadding Cell spacing and cell padding, Q and A formatting Specifies cellspacing in CALS table or qandaset output Use the dbhtml cellspacing PI as a child of a CALS table or qandaset to specify the value for the HTML cellspacing attribute in the output HTML table. dbhtml cellspacing="number" cellspacing="number" Specifies the cellspacing html.cellspacing Cell spacing and cell padding, Q and A formatting Set value of the class attribute for a CALS table row Use the dbhtml class PI as a child of a row to specify a class attribute and value in the HTML output for that row. dbhtml class="name" class="name" Specifies the class name Table styles in HTML output Specifies a directory name in which to write files When chunking output, use the dbhtml dir PI as a child of a chunk source to cause the output of that chunk to be written to the specified directory; also, use it as a child of a mediaobject to specify a directory into which any long-description files for that mediaobject will be written. The output directory specification is inherited by all chunks of the descendants of the element. If descendants need to go to a different directory, then add another dbhtml dir processing instruction as a child of the source element for that chunk, and specify the path relative to the ancestor path. For example, to put most chunk files into shared but one chapter into exception at the same level, use: ... ]]> dbhtml dir="path" dir="path" Specifies the pathname for the directory base.dir dbhtml dir processing instruction Specifies a filename for a chunk When chunking output, use the dbhtml filename PI as a child of a chunk source to specify a filename for the output file for that chunk. Include the filename suffix. You cannot include a directory path in the filename value, or your links may not work. Add a dbhtml dir processing instruction to specify the output directory. You can also combine the two specifications in one processing instruction: dbhtml dir="mydir" filename="myfile.html". dbhtml filename="filename" filename="path" Specifies the filename for the file dbhtml filenames Specifies presentation style for a funcsynopsis Use the dbhtml funcsynopsis-style PI as a child of a funcsynopsis or anywhere within a funcsynopsis to control the presentation style for output of all funcprototype instances within that funcsynopsis. dbhtml funcsynopsis-style="kr"|"ansi" funcsynopsis-style="kr" Displays funcprototype output in K&R style funcsynopsis-style="ansi" Displays funcprototype output in ANSI style Specifies a path to the location of an image file Use the dbhtml img.src.path PI before or after an image (graphic, inlinegraphic, imagedata, or videodata element) as a sibling to the element, to specify a path to the location of the image; in HTML output, the value specified for the img.src.path attribute is prepended to the filename. dbhtml img.src.path="path" img.src.path="path" Specifies the pathname to prepend to the name of the image file img.src.path Using fileref Specifies the label width for a qandaset Use the dbhtml label-width PI as a child of a qandaset to specify the width of labels. dbhtml label-width="width" label-width="width" Specifies the label width (including units) Q and A formatting Specifies interval for line numbers in verbatims Use the dbhtml linenumbering.everyNth PI as a child of a “verbatim” element – programlisting, screen, synopsis — to specify the interval at which lines are numbered. dbhtml linenumbering.everyNth="N" linenumbering.everyNth="N" Specifies numbering interval; a number is output before every Nth line linenumbering.everyNth Line numbering Specifies separator text for line numbers in verbatims Use the dbhtml linenumbering.separator PI as a child of a “verbatim” element – programlisting, screen, synopsis — to specify the separator text output between the line numbers and content. dbhtml linenumbering.separator="text" linenumbering.separator="text" Specifies the text (zero or more characters) linenumbering.separator Line numbering Specifies width for line numbers in verbatims Use the dbhtml linenumbering.width PI as a child of a “verbatim” element – programlisting, screen, synopsis — to specify the width set aside for line numbers. dbhtml linenumbering.width="width" linenumbering.width="width" Specifies the width (inluding units) linenumbering.width Line numbering Specifies presentation style for a variablelist or segmentedlist Use the dbhtml list-presentation PI as a child of a variablelist or segmentedlist to control the presentation style for the list (to cause it, for example, to be displayed as a table). dbhtml list-presentation="list"|"table" list-presentation="list" Displays the list as a list list-presentation="table" Displays the list as a table Variable list formatting in HTML Specifies the width of a variablelist or simplelist Use the dbhtml list-width PI as a child of a variablelist or a simplelist presented as a table, to specify the output width. dbhtml list-width="width" list-width="width" Specifies the output width (including units) Variable list formatting in HTML Specifies the height for a CALS table row Use the dbhtml row-height PI as a child of a row to specify the height of the row. dbhtml row-height="height" row-height="height" Specifies the row height (including units) Row height (obsolete) Sets the starting number on an ordered list This PI is obsolete. The intent of this PI was to provide a means for setting a specific starting number for an ordered list. Instead of this PI, set a value for the override attribute on the first listitem in the list; that will have the same effect as what this PI was intended for. dbhtml start="character" start="character" Specifies the character to use as the starting number; use 0-9, a-z, A-Z, or lowercase or uppercase Roman numerals List starting number Do not chunk any descendants of this element. When generating chunked HTML output, adding this PI as the child of an element that contains elements that would normally be generated on separate pages if generating chunked output causes chunking to stop at this point. No descendants of the current element will be split into new HTML pages: Configuring pencil ... ]]> dbhtml stop-chunking Chunking into multiple HTML files Specifies summary for CALS table, variablelist, segmentedlist, or qandaset output Use the dbhtml table-summary PI as a child of a CALS table, variablelist, segmentedlist, or qandaset to specify the text for the HTML summary attribute in the output HTML table. dbhtml table-summary="text" table-summary="text" Specifies the summary text (zero or more characters) Variable list formatting in HTML, Table summary text Specifies the width for a CALS table Use the dbhtml table-width PI as a child of a CALS table to specify the width of the table in output. dbhtml table-width="width" table-width="width" Specifies the table width (including units or as a percentage) default.table.width Table width Sets character formatting for terms in a variablelist Use the dbhtml term-presentation PI as a child of a variablelist to set character formatting for the term output of the list. dbhtml term-presentation="bold"|"italic"|"bold-italic" term-presentation="bold" Specifies that terms are displayed in bold term-presentation="italic" Specifies that terms are displayed in italic term-presentation="bold-italic" Specifies that terms are displayed in bold-italic Variable list formatting in HTML Specifies separator text among terms in a varlistentry Use the dbhtml term-separator PI as a child of a variablelist to specify the separator text among term instances. dbhtml term-separator="text" term-separator="text" Specifies the text (zero or more characters) variablelist.term.separator Variable list formatting in HTML Specifies the term width for a variablelist Use the dbhtml term-width PI as a child of a variablelist to specify the width for term output. dbhtml term-width="width" term-width="width" Specifies the term width (including units) Variable list formatting in HTML Specifies whether a TOC should be generated for a qandaset Use the dbhtml toc PI as a child of a qandaset to specify whether a table of contents (TOC) is generated for the qandaset. dbhtml toc="0"|"1" toc="0" If zero, no TOC is generated toc="1" If 1 (or any non-zero value), a TOC is generated Q and A list of questions, Q and A formatting Generates a hyperlinked list of commands Use the dbcmdlist PI as the child of any element (for example, refsynopsisdiv) containing multiple cmdsynopsis instances; a hyperlinked navigational “command list” will be generated at the top of output for that element, enabling users to quickly jump to each command synopsis. dbcmdlist [No parameters] No cmdsynopsis elements matched dbcmdlist PI, perhaps it's nested too deep?
Generates a hyperlinked list of functions Use the dbfunclist PI as the child of any element (for example, refsynopsisdiv) containing multiple funcsynopsis instances; a hyperlinked navigational “function list” will be generated at the top of output for that element, enabling users to quickly jump to to each function synopsis. dbfunclist [No parameters] No funcsynopsis elements matched dbfunclist PI, perhaps it's nested too deep?
Copies an external well-formed HTML/XML file into current doc Use the dbhtml-include href PI anywhere in a document to cause the contents of the file referenced by the href pseudo-attribute to be copied/inserted “as is” into your HTML output at the point in document order where the PI occurs in the source. The referenced file may contain plain text (as long as it is “wrapped” in an html element — see the note below) or markup in any arbitrary vocabulary, including HTML — but it must conform to XML well-formedness constraints (because the feature in XSLT 1.0 for opening external files, the document() function, can only handle files that meet XML well-formedness constraints). Among other things, XML well-formedness constraints require a document to have a single root element. So if the content you want to include is plain text or is markup that does not have a single root element, wrap the content in an html element. The stylesheets will strip out that surrounding html “wrapper” when they find it, leaving just the content you want to insert. dbhtml-include href="URI" href="URI" Specifies the URI for the file to include; the URI can be, for example, a remote http: URI, or a local filesystem file: URI textinsert.extension Inserting external HTML code, External code files href ERROR: dbhtml-include processing instruction href has no content. ERROR: dbhtml-include processing instruction has missing or empty href value. Sets topic name and topic id for context-sensitive HTML Help Use the dbhh PI as a child of components that should be used as targets for context-sensitive help requests. dbhh topicname="name" topicid="id" topicname="name" Specifies a unique string constant that identifies a help topic topicid="id" Specifies a unique integer value for the topicname string Context-sensitive help filename
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