---------------------------------------------------------------------- README file for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: README 9695 2012-12-18 05:01:54Z bobstayton $ These are XSL stylesheets for transforming DocBook XML document instances into various output formats. This README file provides only very minimal documentation on using the stylesheets. For more complete information, see Bob Stayton's book "DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide", available online at: http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- See the INSTALL file for information about installing this release. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use the stylesheets ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The base canonical URI for these stylesheets is: http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/ You call any of the stylesheets in this distribution by doing one of the following: - Use the base canonical URI in combination with one of the pathnames below. For example, for "chunked" HTML, output: http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/html/chunk.xsl If your system has a working XML Catalog or SGML Catalog setup (most Linux systems do), then that URI will automatically be resolved and replaced with a local pathname on your system. - Use a "real" local system base path in combination with one of the pathnames below. For example, for "chunked" HTML, output: /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/html/chunk.xsl To transform documents created with the standard DocBook schema/DTD, use one of the following stylesheets: fo/docbook.xsl - for XSL-FO html/docbook.xsl - for HTML (as a single file) html/chunk.xsl - for HTML (chunked into multiple files) html/onechunk.xsl - for HTML (chunked output in single file) xhtml/*.xsl - for XHTML versions of the above xhtml-1_1/*.xsl - for XHTML 1.1 versions of the above xhtml5/*.xsl - for XHTML5 versions of the above epub/docbook.xsl - for .epub version 2 and earlier epub3/docbook.xsl - for .epub version 3 and later htmlhelp/htmlhelp.xsl - for HTML Help javahelp/javahelp.xsl - for JavaHelp eclipse/eclipse.xsl - for Eclipse Help manpages/docbook.xsl - for groff/nroff man pages */profile-* - single-pass-profiling versions of all above roundtrip/*.xsl - for DocBook to WordML, etc., to DocBook assembly/assemble.xsl - converts an assembly into a DocBook document assembly/topic-maker-chunk.xsl - converts a DocBook document into an assembly with topic files. webhelp/build.xml - Ant script to generate webhelp output. webhelp/Makefile - Makefile to generate webhelp output. To transform documents created with the DocBook Slides schema/DTD, use one of the following stylesheets: slides/xhtml/*.xsl - for XHTML slides of various kinds slides/fo/plain.xsl - for XSL-FO slides To transform documents created with the DocBook Website schema/DTD, use one of the following stylesheets: website/website.xsl - for non-tabular, non-chunked output website/tabular.xsl - for tabular, non-chunked output website/chunk-* - for chunked output To generate a titlepage customization layer from a titlepage spec: template/titlepage.xsl For fo titlepage customizations, set the stylesheet parameter named 'ns' to 'http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format' when using this stylesheet. For xhtml titlepage customizations, set the stylesheet parameter named 'ns' to 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' when using this stylesheet. For details about creating titlepage spec files and generating and using titlepage customization layers, see "DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Manifest ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHORS contact information BUGS about known problems COPYING copyright information INSTALL installation instructions README this file RELEASE.* per-release cumulative summaries of user-visible changes TODO about planned features not yet implemented VERSION release metadata, including the current version number (note that the VERSION file is an XSL stylesheet) NEWS changes since the last public release (for a cumulative list of changes, see the ChangeHistory.xml file) assembly/ for making and processing DocBook assemblies. common/ code used among several output formats (HTML, FO, manpages,...) docsrc/ documentation sources eclipse/ for producing Eclipse Help epub/ for producing .epub version 2. epub3/ for producing .epub version 3 and beyond. extensions/ DocBook XSL Java extensions fo/ for producing XSL-FO highlighting files used for adding source-code syntax highlighting in output html/ for producing HTML htmlhelp/ for producing HTML Help images/ images used in callouts and graphical admonitions javahelp/ for producing Java Help lib/ utility stylesheets with schema-independent functions manpages/ for producing groff/troff man pages profiling/ for profiling (omitting/including conditional text) roundtrip/ for "round trip" conversion among DocBook and various word-processor formats (WordML, etc.) slides/ for producing slides output (from Slides source) template/ templates for building stylesheet customization layers tools/ assorted supplementary tools webhelp/ templates and scripts for generating webhelp output website/ for producing website output (from Website source) xhtml/ for producing XHTML xhtml-1_1/ for producing (stricter) XHTML 1.1 xhtml5/ for producing XHTML5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- See the NEWS file for changes made since the previous release. See the RELEASE-NOTES.html or RELEASE-NOTES.txt or RELEASE-NOTES.pdf files for per-release cumulative summaries of significant user-visible changes. For online access to a hyperlinked view of all changes made over the entire history of the codebase, see the following: http://docbook.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/docbook/trunk/xsl/?view=log WARNING: That above change history is a very long list and may take a long time to load/download. You can also create an XML-formatted "ChangeHistory.xml" copy of the complete change history for the codebase by running the following commands: svn checkout https://docbook.svn.sf.net/svnroot/docbook/trunk/xsl svn log --xml --verbose xsl > ChangeHistory.xml ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright information ---------------------------------------------------------------------- See the accompanying file named COPYING.