2023-05-25 00:08:02 +05:00

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<refentry xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
version="5.0" xml:id="autolink.index.see">
<refmiscinfo class="other" otherclass="datatype">boolean</refmiscinfo>
<refpurpose>Link index see and seealso to index primary</refpurpose>
<src:fragment xml:id="autolink.index.see.frag"><xsl:param name="autolink.index.see" select="1"/></src:fragment>
<para>If this param is set to a non-zero value,
(default = 1), then the
stylesheet will attempt for form a link between a
<tag>see</tag> or <tag>seealso</tag> element
and a matching indexterm <tag>primary</tag> element.
<para>The stylesheet uses an exact text match after
applying the <literal>normalize-space()</literal> function.
If the <tag>see</tag> or <tag>seealso</tag> text contains a comma,
then only the text prior to the comma is used.
This assumes the author is using the convention "see primary, secondary"
to specify a subentry. Automatic links always land on the primary
entry in the index, so the reader has to look down to see the
secondary entry.</para>
<para>If there is no match on a
<tag>primary</tag>, no link is formed, but the text
still displays.</para>
<para>No attempt is made to automatically link to text in
<tag>secondary</tag> or <tag>tertiary</tag> elements.
If you want to link to such elements, you can form a
manual link by adding a linkend attribute to the
<tag>see</tag> or <tag>seealso</tag> element, where
the linkend references an id or xml:id attribute on
such a subelement. Such manual links take precedence over
any automatic links.
<para>If this parameter is zero, then
no automatic links from see and seealso
are formed within the index. Any manual links are
still processed, however.</para>