*NERD_tree.txt* A tree explorer plugin that owns your momma! omg its ... ~ ________ ________ _ ____________ ____ __________ ____________~ /_ __/ / / / ____/ / | / / ____/ __ \/ __ \ /_ __/ __ \/ ____/ ____/~ / / / /_/ / __/ / |/ / __/ / /_/ / / / / / / / /_/ / __/ / __/ ~ / / / __ / /___ / /| / /___/ _, _/ /_/ / / / / _, _/ /___/ /___ ~ /_/ /_/ /_/_____/ /_/ |_/_____/_/ |_/_____/ /_/ /_/ |_/_____/_____/ ~ Reference Manual~ ============================================================================== CONTENTS *NERDTree-contents* 1.Intro...................................|NERDTree| 2.Functionality provided..................|NERDTreeFunctionality| 2.1 Global commands...................|NERDTreeGlobalCommands| 2.2 Bookmarks.........................|NERDTreeBookmarks| 2.2.1 The bookmark table..........|NERDTreeBookmarkTable| 2.2.2 Bookmark commands...........|NERDTreeBookmarkCommands| 2.3 NERD tree mappings................|NERDTreeMappings| 2.4 The filesystem menu...............|NERDTreeFilesysMenu| 3.Options.................................|NERDTreeOptions| 3.1 Option summary....................|NERDTreeOptionSummary| 3.2 Option details....................|NERDTreeOptionDetails| 4.Public functions........................|NERDTreePublicFunctions| 5.TODO list...............................|NERDTreeTodo| 6.The Author..............................|NERDTreeAuthor| 7.Changelog...............................|NERDTreeChangelog| 8.Credits.................................|NERDTreeCredits| 9.License.................................|NERDTreeLicense| ============================================================================== 1. Intro *NERDTree* What is this "NERD tree"?? The NERD tree allows you to explore your filesystem and to open files and directories. It presents the filesystem to you in the form of a tree which you manipulate with the keyboard and/or mouse. It also allows you to perform simple filesystem operations. The following features and functionality are provided by the NERD tree: * Files and directories are displayed in a hierarchical tree structure * Different highlighting is provided for the following types of nodes: * files * directories * sym-links * windows .lnk files * read-only files * executable files * Many (customisable) mappings are provided to manipulate the tree: * Mappings to open/close/explore directory nodes * Mappings to open files in new/existing windows/tabs * Mappings to change the current root of the tree * Mappings to navigate around the tree * ... * Directories and files can be bookmarked. * Most NERD tree navigation can also be done with the mouse * Dynamic customisation of tree content * custom file filters to prevent e.g. vim backup files being displayed * optional displaying of hidden files (. files) * files can be "turned off" so that only directories are displayed * A textual filesystem menu is provided which allows you to create/delete/move file and directory nodes as well as copy (for supported OSs) * The position and size of the NERD tree window can be customised * The order in which the nodes in the tree are listed can be customised. * A model of your filesystem is created/maintained as you explore it. This has several advantages: * All filesystem information is cached and is only re-read on demand * If you revisit a part of the tree that you left earlier in your session, the directory nodes will be opened/closed as you left them * The script remembers the cursor position and window position in the NERD tree so you can toggle it off (or just close the tree window) and then reopen it (with NERDTreeToggle) the NERD tree window will appear EXACTLY as you left it * You can have a separate NERD tree for each tab ============================================================================== 2. Functionality provided *NERDTreeFunctionality* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1. Global Commands *NERDTreeGlobalCommands* :NERDTree [ | ] *:NERDTree* Opens a fresh NERD tree. The root of the tree depends on the argument given. There are 3 cases: If no argument is given, the current directory will be used. If a directory is given, that will be used. If a bookmark name is given, the corresponding directory will be used. For example: > :NERDTree /home/marty/vim7/src :NERDTree foo (foo is the name of a bookmark) < :NERDTreeFromBookmark *:NERDTreeFromBookmark* Opens a fresh NERD tree with the root initialized to the dir for . This only reason to use this command over :NERDTree is for the completion (which is for bookmarks rather than directories). :NERDTreeToggle [ | ] *:NERDTreeToggle* If a NERD tree already exists for this tab, it is reopened and rendered again. If no NERD tree exists for this tab then this command acts the same as the |:NERDTree| command. :NERDTreeClose Close the NERD tree in this tab. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2. Bookmarks *NERDTreeBookmarks* Bookmarks in the NERD tree are a way to tag files or directories of interest. For example, you could use bookmarks to tag all of your project directories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2.1. The Bookmark Table *NERDTreeBookmarkTable* If the bookmark table is active (see |NERDTree-B| and |NERDTreeShowBookmarks|), it will be rendered above the tree. You can double click bookmarks or use the |NERDTree-o| mapping to activate them. See also, |NERDTree-t| and |NERDTree-T| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2.2. Bookmark commands *NERDTreeBookmarkCommands* Note that the following commands are only available in the NERD tree buffer. :Bookmark Bookmark the current node as . If there is already a bookmark, it is overwritten. must not contain spaces. :BookmarkToRoot Make the directory corresponding to the new root. If a treenode corresponding to is already cached somewhere in the tree then the current tree will be used, otherwise a fresh tree will be opened. Note that if points to a file then its parent will be used instead. :RevealBookmark If the node is cached under the current root then it will be revealed (i.e. directory nodes above it will be opened) and the cursor will be placed on it. :OpenBookmark must point to a file. The file is opened as though |NERDTree-o| was applied. If the node is cached under the current root then it will be revealed and the cursor will be placed on it. :ClearBookmarks [] Remove all the given bookmarks. If no bookmarks are given then remove all bookmarks on the current node. :ClearAllBookmarks Remove all bookmarks. See also |:NERDTree| and |:NERDTreeFromBookmark|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.3. NERD tree Mappings *NERDTreeMappings* Default Description~ help-tag~ Key~ o.......Open files, directories and bookmarks....................|NERDTree-o| go......Open selected file, but leave cursor in the NERDTree.....|NERDTree-go| t.......Open selected node/bookmark in a new tab.................|NERDTree-t| T.......Same as 't' but keep the focus on the current tab........|NERDTree-T| ...Open selected file in a split window.....................|NERDTree-tab| g..Same as , but leave the cursor on the NERDTree......|NERDTree-gtab| !.......Execute the current file.................................|NERDTree-!| O.......Recursively open the selected directory..................|NERDTree-O| x.......Close the current nodes parent...........................|NERDTree-x| X.......Recursively close all children of the current node.......|NERDTree-X| e.......Open a netrw for the current dir.........................|NERDTree-e| double-click.......same as the |NERDTree-o| map. middle-click.......same as |NERDTree-tab| for files, same as |NERDTree-e| for dirs. P.......Jump to the root node....................................|NERDTree-P| p.......Jump to current nodes parent.............................|NERDTree-p| K.......Jump up inside directories at the current tree depth.....|NERDTree-K| J.......Jump down inside directories at the current tree depth...|NERDTree-J| ...Jump down to the next sibling of the current directory...|NERDTree-c-j| ...Jump up to the previous sibling of the current directory.|NERDTree-c-k| C.......Change the tree root to the selected dir.................|NERDTree-C| u.......Move the tree root up one directory......................|NERDTree-u| U.......Same as 'u' except the old root node is left open........|NERDTree-U| r.......Recursively refresh the current directory................|NERDTree-r| R.......Recursively refresh the current root.....................|NERDTree-R| m.......Display the filesystem menu..............................|NERDTree-m| cd......Change the CWD to the dir of the selected node...........|NERDTree-cd| H.......Toggle whether hidden files displayed....................|NERDTree-H| f.......Toggle whether the file filters are used.................|NERDTree-f| F.......Toggle whether files are displayed.......................|NERDTree-F| B.......Toggle whether the bookmark table is displayed...........|NERDTree-B| q.......Close the NERDTree window................................|NERDTree-q| ?.......Toggle the display of the quick help.....................|NERDTree-?| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-o* Default key: o Map option: NERDTreeMapActivateNode Applies to: files and directories. If a file node is selected, it is opened in the previous window. If a directory is selected it is opened or closed depending on its current state. If a bookmark that links to a directory is selected then that directory becomes the new root. If a bookmark that links to a file is selected then that file is opened in the previous window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-go* Default key: go Map option: None Applies to: files. If a file node is selected, it is opened in the previous window, but the cursor does not move. The key combo for this mapping is always "g" + NERDTreeMapActivateNode (see |NERDTree-o|). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-t* Default key: t Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenInTab Applies to: files and directories. Opens the selected file in a new tab. If a directory is selected, a fresh NERD Tree for that directory is opened in a new tab. If a bookmark which points to a directory is selected, open a NERD tree for that directory in a new tab. If the bookmark points to a file, open that file in a new tab. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-T* Default key: T Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent Applies to: files and directories. The same as |NERDTree-t| except that the focus is kept in the current tab. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-tab* Default key: Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenSplit Applies to: files. Opens the selected file in a new split window and puts the cursor in the new window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-gtab* Default key: g Map option: None Applies to: files. The same as |NERDTree-tab| except that the cursor is not moved. The key combo for this mapping is always "g" + NERDTreeMapOpenSplit (see |NERDTree-tab|). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-!* Default key: ! Map option: NERDTreeMapExecute Applies to: files. Executes the selected file, prompting for arguments first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-O* Default key: O Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively Applies to: directories. Recursively opens the selelected directory. All files and directories are cached, but if a directory would not be displayed due to file filters (see |NERDTreeIgnore| |NERDTree-f|) or the hidden file filter (see |NERDTreeShowHidden|) then its contents are not cached. This is handy, especially if you have .svn directories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-x* Default key: x Map option: NERDTreeMapCloseDir Applies to: files and directories. Closes the parent of the selected node. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-X* Default key: X Map option: NERDTreeMapCloseChildren Applies to: directories. Recursively closes all children of the selected directory. Tip: To quickly "reset" the tree, use |NERDTree-P| with this mapping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-e* Default key: e Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenExpl Applies to: files and directories. Opens a netrw on the selected directory, or the selected file's directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-P* Default key: P Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpRoot Applies to: no restrictions. Jump to the tree root. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-p* Default key: p Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpParent Applies to: files and directories. Jump to the parent node of the selected node. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-K* Default key: K Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild Applies to: files and directories. Jump to the first child of the current nodes parent. If the cursor is already on the first node then do the following: * loop back thru the siblings of the current nodes parent until we find an open dir with children * go to the first child of that node ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-J* Default key: J Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild Applies to: files and directories. Jump to the last child of the current nodes parent. If the cursor is already on the last node then do the following: * loop forward thru the siblings of the current nodes parent until we find an open dir with children * go to the last child of that node ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-c-j* Default key: Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling Applies to: files and directories. Jump to the next sibling of the selected node. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-c-k* Default key: Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling Applies to: files and directories. Jump to the previous sibling of the selected node. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-C* Default key: C Map option: NERDTreeMapChdir Applies to: directories. Make the selected directory node the new tree root. If a file is selected, its parent is used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-u* Default key: u Map option: NERDTreeMapUpdir Applies to: no restrictions. Move the tree root up a dir (like doing a "cd .."). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-U* Default key: U Map option: NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen Applies to: no restrictions. Like |NERDTree-u| except that the old tree root is kept open. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-r* Default key: r Map option: NERDTreeMapRefresh Applies to: files and directories. If a dir is selected, recursively refresh that dir, i.e. scan the filesystem for changes and represent them in the tree. If a file node is selected then the above is done on it's parent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-R* Default key: R Map option: NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot Applies to: no restrictions. Recursively refresh the tree root. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-m* Default key: m Map option: NERDTreeMapFilesystemMenu Applies to: files and directories. Display the filesystem menu. See |NERDTreeFilesysMenu| for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-H* Default key: H Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleHidden Applies to: no restrictions. Toggles whether hidden files are displayed. Hidden files are any file/directory that starts with a "." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-f* Default key: f Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleFilters Applies to: no restrictions. Toggles whether file filters are used. See |NERDTreeIgnore| for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-F* Default key: F Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleFiles Applies to: no restrictions. Toggles whether file nodes are displayed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-B* Default key: B Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleBookmarks Applies to: no restrictions. Toggles whether the bookmarks table is displayed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-q* Default key: q Map option: NERDTreeMapQuit Applies to: no restrictions. Closes the NERDtree window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTree-?* Default key: ? Map option: NERDTreeMapHelp Applies to: no restrictions. Toggles whether the quickhelp is displayed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.3. The filesystem menu *NERDTreeFilesysMenu* The purpose of the filesystem menu is to allow you to perform basic filesystem operations quickly from the NERD tree rather than the console. The filesystem menu can be accessed with 'm' mapping and has four supported operations: > 1. Adding nodes. 2. Move nodes. 3. Deleting nodes. 3. Copying nodes. < 1. Adding nodes: To add a node move the cursor onto (or anywhere inside) the directory you wish to create the new node inside. Select the 'add node' option from the filesystem menu and type a filename. If the filename you type ends with a '/' character then a directory will be created. Once the operation is completed, the cursor is placed on the new node. 2. Move nodes: To move/rename a node, put the cursor on it and select the 'move' option from the filesystem menu. Enter the new location for the node and it will be moved. If the old file is open in a buffer, you will be asked if you wish to delete that buffer. Once the operation is complete the cursor will be placed on the renamed node. 3. Deleting nodes: To delete a node put the cursor on it and select the 'delete' option from the filesystem menu. After confirmation the node will be deleted. If a file is deleted but still exists as a buffer you will be given the option to delete that buffer. 4. Copying nodes: To copy a node put the cursor on it and select the 'copy' option from the filesystem menu. Enter the new location and you're done. Note: copying is currently only supported for *nix operating systems. If someone knows a one line copying command for windows that doesnt require user confirmation then id be grateful if you'd email me. ============================================================================== 3. Customisation *NERDTreeOptions* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1. Customisation summary *NERDTreeOptionSummary* The script provides the following options that can customise the behaviour the NERD tree. These options should be set in your vimrc. |loaded_nerd_tree| Turns off the script. |NERDChristmasTree| Tells the NERD tree to make itself colourful and pretty. |NERDTreeAutoCenter| Controls whether the NERD tree window centers when the cursor moves within a specified distance to the top/bottom of the window. |NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold| Controls the sensitivity of autocentering. |NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort| Tells the NERD tree whether to be case sensitive or not when sorting nodes. |NERDTreeChDirMode| Tells the NERD tree if/when it should change vim's current working directory. |NERDTreeHighlightCursorline| Tell the NERD tree whether to highlight the current cursor line. |NERDTreeIgnore| Tells the NERD tree which files to ignore. |NERDTreeBookmarksFile| Where the bookmarks are stored. |NERDTreeMouseMode| Tells the NERD tree how to handle mouse clicks. |NERDTreeQuitOnOpen| Closes the tree window after opening a file. |NERDTreeShowBookmarks| Tells the NERD tree whether to display the bookmarks table on startup. |NERDTreeShowFiles| Tells the NERD tree whether to display files in the tree on startup. |NERDTreeShowHidden| Tells the NERD tree whether to display hidden files on startup. |NERDTreeShowLineNumbers| Tells the NERD tree whether to display line numbers in the tree window. |NERDTreeSortOrder| Tell the NERD tree how to sort the nodes in the tree. |NERDTreeWinPos| Tells the script where to put the NERD tree window. |NERDTreeWinSize| Sets the window size when the NERD tree is opened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2. Customisation details *NERDTreeOptionDetails* To enable any of the below options you should put the given line in your ~/.vimrc *loaded_nerd_tree* If this plugin is making you feel homicidal, it may be a good idea to turn it off with this line in your vimrc: > let loaded_nerd_tree=1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDChristmasTree* Values: 0 or 1. Default: 1. If this option is set to 1 then some extra syntax highlighting elements are added to the nerd tree to make it more colourful. Set it to 0 for a more vanilla looking tree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeAutoCenter* Values: 0 or 1. Default: 1 If set to 1, the NERD tree window will center around the cursor if it moves to within |NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold| lines of the top/bottom of the window. This is ONLY done in response to tree navigation mappings, i.e. |NERDTree-J| |NERDTree-K| |NERDTree-C-J| |NERDTree-c-K| |NERDTree-p| |NERDTree-P| The centering is done with a |zz| operation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold* Values: Any natural number. Default: 3 This option controls the "sensitivity" of the NERD tree auto centering. See |NERDTreeAutoCenter| for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort* Values: 0 or 1. Default: 0. By default the NERD tree does not sort nodes case sensitively, i.e. nodes could appear like this: > bar.c Baz.c blarg.c boner.c Foo.c < But, if you set this option to 1 then the case of the nodes will be taken into account. The above nodes would then be sorted like this: > Baz.c Foo.c bar.c blarg.c boner.c < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeChDirMode* Values: 0, 1 or 2. Default: 1. Use this option to tell the script when (if at all) to change the current working directory (CWD) for vim. If it is set to 0 then the CWD is never changed by the NERD tree. If set to 1 then the CWD is changed when the NERD tree is first loaded to the directory it is initialized in. For example, if you start the NERD tree with > :NERDTree /home/marty/foobar < then the CWD will be changed to /home/marty/foobar and will not be changed again unless you init another NERD tree with a similar command. If the option is set to 2 then it behaves the same as if set to 1 except that the CWD is changed whenever the tree root is changed. For example, if the CWD is /home/marty/foobar and you make the node for /home/marty/foobar/baz the new root then the CWD will become /home/marty/foobar/baz. Authors note: at work i have this option set to 1 because i have a giant ctags file in the root dir of my project. This way i can initialise the NERD tree with the root dir of my project and always have ctags available to me --- no matter where i go with the NERD tree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeHighlightCursorline* Values: 0 or 1. Default: 1. If set to 1, the current cursor line in the NERD tree buffer will be highlighted. This is done using the |cursorline| option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeIgnore* Values: a list of regular expressions. Default: ['\~$']. This option is used to specify which files the NERD tree should ignore. It must be a list of regular expressions. When the NERD tree is rendered, any files/dirs that match any of the regex's in NERDTreeIgnore wont be displayed. For example if you put the following line in your vimrc: > let NERDTreeIgnore=['\.vim$', '\~$'] < then all files ending in .vim or ~ will be ignored. Note: to tell the NERD tree not to ignore any files you must use the following line: > let NERDTreeIgnore=[] < The file filters can be turned on and off dynamically with the |NERDTree-f| mapping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeBookmarksFile* Values: a path Default: $HOME/.NERDTreeBookmarks This is where bookmarks are saved. See |NERDTreeBookmarkCommands|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeMouseMode* Values: 1, 2 or 3. Default: 1. If set to 1 then a double click on a node is required to open it. If set to 2 then a single click will open directory nodes, while a double click will still be required for file nodes. If set to 3 then a single click will open any node. Note: a double click anywhere on a line that a tree node is on will activate it, but all single-click activations must be done on name of the node itself. For example, if you have the following node: > | | |-application.rb < then (to single click activate it) you must click somewhere in 'application.rb'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeQuitOnOpen* Values: 0 or 1. Default: 0 If set to 1, the NERD tree window will close after opening a file with the |NERDTree-o| or |NERDTree-tab| mappings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeShowBookmarks* Values: 0 or 1. Default: 0. If this option is set to 1 then the bookmarks table will be displayed. This option can be toggled dynamically, per tree, with the |NERDTree-B| mapping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeShowFiles* Values: 0 or 1. Default: 1. If this option is set to 1 then files are displayed in the NERD tree. If it is set to 0 then only directories are displayed. This option can be toggled dynamically, per tree, with the |NERDTree-F| mapping and is useful for drastically shrinking the tree when you are navigating to a different part of the tree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeShowHidden* Values: 0 or 1. Default: 0. This option tells vim whether to display hidden files by default. This option can be dynamically toggled, per tree, with the |NERDTree-H| mapping. Use one of the follow lines to set this option: > let NERDTreeShowHidden=0 let NERDTreeShowHidden=1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeShowLineNumbers* Values: 0 or 1. Default: 0. This option tells vim whether to display line numbers for the NERD tree window. Use one of the follow lines to set this option: > let NERDTreeShowLineNumbers=0 let NERDTreeShowLineNumbers=1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeSortOrder* Values: a list of regular expressions. Default: ['\/$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$'] This option is set to a list of regular expressions which are used to specify the order of nodes under their parent. For example, if the option is set to: > ['\.vim$', '\.c$', '\.h$', '*', 'foobar'] < then all .vim files will be placed at the top, followed by all .c files then all .h files. All files containing the string 'foobar' will be placed at the end. The star is a special flag: it tells the script that every node that doesnt match any of the other regexps should be placed here. If no star is present in NERDTreeSortOrder then one is automatically appended to the array. The regex '\/$' should be used to match directory nodes. After this sorting is done, the files in each group are sorted alphabetically. Other examples: > (1) ['*', '\/$'] (2) [] (3) ['\/$', '\.rb$', '\.php$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$'] < 1. Directories will appear last, everything else will appear above. 2. Everything will simply appear in alphabetical order. 3. Dirs will appear first, then ruby and php. Swap files, bak files and vim backup files will appear last with everything else preceding them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeWinPos* Values: "left", "right", "top" or "bottom" Default: "left". This option is used to determine where NERD tree window is placed on the screen. "top" or "bottom", will cause a horizontal split to be created for the tree, while "left" and "right" will cause a vertical split. This option is makes it possible to use two different explorer type plugins simultaneously. For example, you could have the taglist plugin on the left of the window and the NERD tree on the right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NERDTreeWinSize* Values: a positive integer. Default: 31. This option is used to change the size of the NERD tree when it is loaded. ============================================================================== *NERDTreePublicFunctions* 5. Public functions ~ The script provides 2 public functions for your hacking pleasure. Their signatures are: > function! NERDTreeGetCurrentNode() function! NERDTreeGetCurrentPath() < The first returns the node object that the cursor is currently on, while the second returns the corresponding path object. This is probably a good time to mention that the script implements prototype style OO. To see the functions that each class provides you can read look at the code. Use the node objects to manipulate the structure of the tree. Use the path objects to access the data the tree represents and to make changes to the filesystem. ============================================================================== 5. TODO list *NERDTreeTodo* Window manager integration? ============================================================================== 6. The Author *NERDTreeAuthor* The author of the NERD tree is a terrible terrible monster called Martyzilla who gobbles up small children with milk and sugar for breakfast. He can be reached at martin_grenfell at msn.com. He would love to hear from you, so feel free to send him suggestions and/or comments about this plugin. Don't be shy --- the worst he can do is slaughter you and stuff you in the fridge for later ;) ============================================================================== 7. Changelog *NERDTreeChangelog* 2.x.x - make the t/T on directory nodes open a fresh NERD tree for the selected dir in a new tab, rather than a netrw. - place the cursor at the top of the bookmarks table when opening it with B - make NERDTreeQuitOnOpen option work with the g and go mappings, thanks to Maxim Kim for the bug report 2.12.0 - added a UI for bookmarks. See :help NERDTreeBookmarkTable for details. Thanks to Zhang Shuhan for testing and bug reports. - relaxed the restrictions on bookmark names, now the only restriction is that they cant contain spaces. This allows for e.g. Chinese bookmark names. Thanks to Zhang Shuhan for the suggestion. - combined the NERDTreeWinPos and NERDTreeSplitVertical options. See :help NERDTreeWinPos. - applied a patch from Matan Nassau to add the NERDTreeQuitOnOpen option which closes the tree window after opening a file. See :help NERDTreeQuitOnOpen. - optimised the nerd tree rendering. Now it takes just over 1/3 of the time it previously took to render. - now the tree filter mappings toggle the filters "per tree" rather than globally. The global filter variables are used to set the initial filter settings for each new NERD tree. - fix to window resizing when opening a file when NERD tree is the only window open - other fixes 2.11.0 - changes to the 'o' mapping when opening files: - dont clobber "special" windows (eg taglist/quickfix/etc). This should make the NERD tree play nicer with other explorer plugins. Thanks to Yuan Jiang for the suggestion. - if the file is already open in the current tab, just move the cursor to that window - highlight executable files, made some slight changes to other highlighting - if the user resizes the tree window, keep that new size. Dont reset to the default during the mapping, or :NERDTreeToggle command. Only reset the size if a fresh tree is started with :NERDTree. - remove the "magic" functionality from the / mappings (it was more confusing than helpful) - other minor fixes 2.10.0 - added bookmarks, see :help NERDTreeBookmarkCommands for details. Thanks to Piotr Czachur for all his testing and suggestions. - fixed screen jumping bug with when &scrolloff != 0 - fixed some bugs with copying nodes - other random fixes - change license to wtfpl 2.9.0 - path handling improvements, thanks to Zhang Shuhan for heaps of testing/bug reports * improved how paths are stored, now the script will no longer get confused about drives on MF Windows * made the script way better at handling paths with strange characters in them (eg '$@; etc) - applied a patch from Cory Echols * add the command :NERDTreeClose to close the tree for the current tab * set the filetype for the NERD tree buffer to "nerdtree" 2.8.0 - added an option to enable/disable line numbers in the NERD tree window, thanks to Olivier Yiptong for the email. 2.7.1 - Changed the keys for the filesystem menu to be mnemonic rather than arbitrary integers - Documented the copying functionality in the filesystem menu 2.7.0 - Bug fix: Now when you have the tree on the right and you open it with multiple windows stacked, it will take up the full height of the vim window. - Now line numbers always turned off in the tree by default - Implemented copying of nodes (via the filesystem menu) for *nix/macosx - took the help doc out of the script and repackaged the whole thing as a zip 2.6.2 - Now when you try to open a file node into a window that is modified, the window is not split if the &hidden option is set. Thanks to Niels Aan de Brugh for this suggestion. 2.6.1 - Fixed a major bug with the mapping. Thanks to Zhang Weiwu for emailing me. 2.6.0 - Extended the behaviour of . Now if the cursor is on a file node and you use the cursor will jump to its PARENTS next/previous sibling. Go :help NERDTree-c-j and :help NERDTree-c-k for info. - Extended the behaviour of the J/K mappings. Now if the cursor is on the last child of a node and you push J/K it will jump down to the last child of the next/prev of its parents siblings that is open and has children. Go :help NERDTree-J and :help NERDTree-K for info. - The goal of these changes is to make tree navigation faster. - Reorganised the help page a bit. - Removed the E mapping. - bugfixes 2.5.0 - Added an option to enforce case sensitivity when sorting tree nodes. Read :help NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort for details. (thanks to Michael Madsen for emailing me about this). Case sensitivity defaults to off. - Made the script echo a "please wait" style message when opening large directories. Thanks to AOYAMA Shotaro for this suggestion. - Added 2 public functions that can be used to retrieve the treenode and path that the cursor is on. Read :help NERDTreePublicFunctions for details (thanks again to AOYAMA Shotaro for the idea :). - added 2 new mappings for file nodes: "g" and "go". These are the same as the "" and "o" maps except that the cursor stays in the NERDTree. Note: these maps are slaved to the o and mappings, so if eg you remap "" to "i" then the "g" map will also be changed to "gi". - Renamed many of the help tags to be simpler. - Simplified the ascii "graphics" for the filesystem menu - Fixed bugs. - Probably created bugs. - Refactoring. 2.4.0 - Added the P mapping to jump to the tree root. - Added window centering functionality that can be triggered when doing using any of the tree nav mappings. Essentially, if the cursor comes within a certain distance of the top/bottom of the window then a zz is done in the window. Two related options were added: NERDTreeAutoCenter to turn this functionality on/off, and NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold to control how close the cursor has to be to the window edge to trigger the centering. 2.3.0 - Tree navigation changes: - Added J and K mappings to jump to last/first child of the current dir. Options to customise these mappings have also been added. - Remapped the jump to next/prev sibling commands to be and by default. These changes should hopefully make tree navigation mappings easier to remember and use as the j and k keys are simply reused 3 times (twice with modifier keys). - Made it so that, when any of the tree filters are toggled, the cursor stays with the selected node (or goes to its parent/grandparent/... if that node is no longer visible) - Fixed an error in the doc for the mouse mode option. - Made the quickhelp correctly display the current single/double click mappings for opening nodes as specified by the NERDTreeMouseMode option. - Fixed a bug where the script was spazzing after prompting you to delete a modified buffer when using the filesystem menu. - Refactoring 2.2.3 - Refactored the :echo output from the script. - Fixed some minor typos in the doc. - Made some minor changes to the output of the 'Tree filtering mappings' part of the quickhelp 2.2.2 - More bugfixes... doh. 2.2.1 - Bug fix that was causing an exception when closing the nerd tree. Thanks to Tim carey-smith and Yu Jun for pointing this out. 2.2.0 - Now 'cursorline' is set in the NERD tree buffer by default. See :help NERDTreeHighlightCursorline for how to disable it. 2.1.2 - Stopped the script from clobbering the 1,2,3 .. 9 registers. - Made it "silent!"ly delete buffers when renaming/deleting file nodes. - Minor correction to the doc - Fixed a bug when refreshing that was occurring when the node you refreshed had been deleted externally. - Fixed a bug that was occurring when you open a file that is already open and modified. 2.1.1 - Added a bit more info about the buffers you are prompted to delete when renaming/deleting nodes from the filesystem menu that are already loaded into buffers. - Refactoring and bugfixes 2.1.0 - Finally removed the blank line that always appears at the top of the NERDTree buffer - Added NERDTreeMouseMode option. If set to 1, then a double click is required to activate all nodes, if set to 2 then a single click will activate directory nodes, if set to 3 then a single click will activate all nodes. - Now if you delete a file node and have it open in a buffer you are given the option to delete that buffer as well. Similarly if you rename a file you are given the option to delete any buffers containing the old file (if any exist) - When you rename or create a node, the cursor is now put on the new node, this makes it easy immediately edit the new file. - Fixed a bug with the ! mapping that was occurring on windows with paths containing spaces. - Made all the mappings customisable. See |NERD_tree-mappings| for details. A side effect is that a lot of the "double mappings" have disappeared. E.g 'o' is now the key that is used to activate a node, is no longer mapped to the same. - Made the script echo warnings in some places rather than standard echos - Insane amounts of refactoring all over the place. 2.0.0 - Added two new NERDChristmasTree decorations. First person to spot them and email me gets a free copy of the NERDTree. - Made it so that when you jump around the tree (with the p, s and S mappings) it is counted as a jump by vim. This means if you, eg, push 'p' one too many times then you can go `` or ctrl-o. - Added a new option called NERDTreeSortOrder which takes an array of regexs and is used to determine the order that the treenodes are listed in. Go :help NERDTreeSortOrder for details. - Removed the NERDTreeSortDirs option because it is consumed by NERDTreeSortOrder - Added the 'i' mapping which is the same as but requires less effort to reach. - Added the ! mapping which is used to execute file in the tree (after it prompts you for arguments etc) ============================================================================== 8. Credits *NERDTreeCredits* Thanks to Tim Carey-Smith for testing/using the NERD tree from the first pre-beta version, for his many suggestions and for his constant stream of bug complaints. Thanks to Vigil for trying it out before the first release :) and suggesting that mappings to open files in new tabs should be implemented. Thanks to Nick Brettell for testing, fixing my spelling and suggesting i put a .. (up a directory) line in the gui. Thanks to Thomas Scott Urban - the author of the vtreeexplorer plugin - whose gui code i borrowed from. Thanks to Terrance Cohen for pointing out a bug where the script was changing vims CWD all over the show. Thanks to Yegappan Lakshmanan (author of Taglist and other orgasmically wonderful plugins) for telling me how to fix a bug that was causing vim to go into visual mode everytime you double clicked a node :) Thanks to Jason Mills for sending me a fix that allows windows paths to use forward slashes as well as backward. Thanks to Michael Geddes (frogonwheels on #vim at freenode) for giving me some tips about syntax highlighting when i was doing highlighting for the quickhelp. Thanks to Yu Jun for emailing me about a bug that was occurring when closing the tree. Thanks to Michael Madsen for emailing me about making case sensitivity optional when sorting nodes. Thanks to AOYAMA Shotaro for suggesting that i echo a "please wait" message when opening large directories. Thanks to Michael Madsen for requesting the NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort option. Thanks to AOYAMA Shotaro for suggesting that a "please wait" style message be echoed when opening large directories. Also, thanks for the suggestion of having public functions in the script to access the internal data :D Thanks to Zhang Weiwu for emailing me about a bug with the the mapping in 2.6.0 Thanks to Niels Aan de Brugh for the suggestion that the script now split the window if you try to open a file in a window containing a modified buffer when the &hidden option is set. Thanks to Olivier Yiptong for prompting me to make line numbers in the NERD tree window optional. Thanks to Zhang Shuhan for all of his emails and testing to help improve the NERD tree path handling. Thanks also for suggesting the bookmarks gui, and for testing and making suggestions and bugreports. Thanks to Cory Echols for sending a patch to add the :NERDTreeClose command and set the NERD tree buffers filetype to 'nerdtree' Thanks to Piotr Czachur for all his suggestions and testing for the bookmarks feature. Thanks to Yuan Jiang for suggesting the "o" mapping shouldnt clobber "special" windows, like taglist. Thanks to Matan Nassau for the patch to add the NERDTreeQuitOnOpen option. ============================================================================== 9. License *NERDTreeLicense* The NERD tree is released under the wtfpl. See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING.