" ============================================================================ " File: NERD_tree.vim " Description: vim global plugin that provides a nice tree explorer " Maintainer: Martin Grenfell " Last Change: 20 July, 2008 " License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, " to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute " it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You " Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. " See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. " " ============================================================================ let s:NERD_tree_version = '2.14.1' " SECTION: Script init stuff {{{1 "============================================================ if exists("loaded_nerd_tree") finish endif if v:version < 700 echoerr "NERDTree: this plugin requires vim >= 7. DOWNLOAD IT! You'll thank me later!" finish endif let loaded_nerd_tree = 1 "for line continuation - i.e dont want C in &cpo let s:old_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim "Function: s:initVariable() function {{{2 "This function is used to initialise a given variable to a given value. The "variable is only initialised if it does not exist prior " "Args: "var: the name of the var to be initialised "value: the value to initialise var to " "Returns: "1 if the var is set, 0 otherwise function! s:initVariable(var, value) if !exists(a:var) exec 'let ' . a:var . ' = ' . "'" . a:value . "'" return 1 endif return 0 endfunction "SECTION: Init variable calls and other random constants {{{2 call s:initVariable("g:NERDChristmasTree", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeAutoCenter", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold", 3) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort", 0) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeChDirMode", 0) if !exists("g:NERDTreeIgnore") let g:NERDTreeIgnore = ['\~$'] endif call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeHighlightCursorline", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeBookmarksFile", expand('$HOME') . '/.NERDTreeBookmarks') call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMouseMode", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeNotificationThreshold", 100) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeQuitOnOpen", 0) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeShowBookmarks", 0) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeShowFiles", 1) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeShowHidden", 0) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeShowLineNumbers", 0) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeSortDirs", 1) if !exists("g:NERDTreeSortOrder") let g:NERDTreeSortOrder = ['\/$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$'] else "if there isnt a * in the sort sequence then add one if count(g:NERDTreeSortOrder, '*') < 1 call add(g:NERDTreeSortOrder, '*') endif endif "we need to use this number many times for sorting... so we calculate it only "once here let s:NERDTreeSortStarIndex = index(g:NERDTreeSortOrder, '*') call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeWinPos", "left") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeWinSize", 31) let s:running_windows = has("win16") || has("win32") || has("win64") "init the shell commands that will be used to copy nodes, and remove dir trees " "Note: the space after the command is important if s:running_windows call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeRemoveDirCmd", 'rmdir /s /q ') else call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeRemoveDirCmd", 'rm -rf ') call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeCopyCmd", 'cp -r ') endif "SECTION: Init variable calls for key mappings {{{2 call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode", "o") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapChangeRoot", "C") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapChdir", "cd") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapCloseChildren", "X") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapCloseDir", "x") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapDeleteBookmark", "D") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapExecute", "!") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapFilesystemMenu", "m") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapHelp", "?") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild", "K") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild", "J") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling", "") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpParent", "p") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling", "") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpRoot", "P") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapOpenExpl", "e") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab", "t") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent", "T") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively", "O") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit", "") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapPreview", "g" . NERDTreeMapActivateNode) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapPreviewSplit", "g" . NERDTreeMapOpenSplit) call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapQuit", "q") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapRefresh", "r") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot", "R") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapToggleBookmarks", "B") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapToggleFiles", "F") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapToggleFilters", "f") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapToggleHidden", "H") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapUpdir", "u") call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen", "U") "SECTION: Script level variable declaration{{{2 let s:escape_chars = " \\`\|\"#%&,?()\*^<>" let s:NERDTreeWinName = '_NERD_tree_' let s:tree_wid = 2 let s:tree_markup_reg = '[ \-+~`|]' let s:tree_markup_reg_neg = '[^ \-+~`|]' let s:tree_up_dir_line = '.. (up a dir)' let s:os_slash = '/' if s:running_windows let s:os_slash = '\' endif " SECTION: Commands {{{1 "============================================================ "init the command that users start the nerd tree with command! -n=? -complete=dir NERDTree :call s:initNerdTree('') command! -n=? -complete=dir NERDTreeToggle :call s:toggle('') command! -n=0 NERDTreeClose :call s:closeTreeIfOpen() command! -n=1 -complete=customlist,s:completeBookmarks NERDTreeFromBookmark call s:initNerdTree('') " SECTION: Auto commands {{{1 "============================================================ "Save the cursor position whenever we close the nerd tree exec "autocmd BufWinLeave *". s:NERDTreeWinName ." call saveScreenState()" "cache bookmarks when vim loads autocmd VimEnter * call s:Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(0) "SECTION: Classes {{{1 "============================================================ "CLASS: Bookmark {{{2 "============================================================ let s:Bookmark = {} " FUNCTION: Bookmark.AddBookmark(name, path) {{{3 " Class method to add a new bookmark to the list, if a previous bookmark exists " with the same name, just update the path for that bookmark function! s:Bookmark.AddBookmark(name, path) for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() if i.name == a:name let i.path = a:path return endif endfor call add(s:Bookmark.Bookmarks(), s:Bookmark.New(a:name, a:path)) call s:Bookmark.Sort() endfunction " Function: Bookmark.Bookmarks() {{{3 " Class method to get all bookmarks. Lazily initializes the bookmarks global " variable function! s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() if !exists("g:NERDTreeBookmarks") let g:NERDTreeBookmarks = [] endif return g:NERDTreeBookmarks endfunction " Function: Bookmark.BookmarkExistsFor(name) {{{3 " class method that returns 1 if a bookmark with the given name is found, 0 " otherwise function! s:Bookmark.BookmarkExistsFor(name) try call s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(a:name) return 1 catch /NERDTree.BookmarkNotFound/ return 0 endtry endfunction " Function: Bookmark.BookmarkFor(name) {{{3 " Class method to get the bookmark that has the given name. {} is return if no " bookmark is found function! s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(name) for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() if i.name == a:name return i endif endfor throw "NERDTree.BookmarkNotFound exception: no bookmark found for name: \"". a:name .'"' endfunction " Function: Bookmark.BookmarkNames() {{{3 " Class method to return an array of all bookmark names function! s:Bookmark.BookmarkNames() let names = [] for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() call add(names, i.name) endfor return names endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(silent) {{{3 " Class method to read all bookmarks from the bookmarks file intialize " bookmark objects for each one. " " Args: " silent - dont echo an error msg if invalid bookmarks are found function! s:Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(silent) if filereadable(g:NERDTreeBookmarksFile) let g:NERDTreeBookmarks = [] let g:NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks = [] let bookmarkStrings = readfile(g:NERDTreeBookmarksFile) let invalidBookmarksFound = 0 for i in bookmarkStrings "ignore blank lines if i != '' let name = substitute(i, '^\(.\{-}\) .*$', '\1', '') let path = substitute(i, '^.\{-} \(.*\)$', '\1', '') try let bookmark = s:Bookmark.New(name, s:Path.New(path)) call add(g:NERDTreeBookmarks, bookmark) catch /NERDTree.Path.InvalidArguments/ call add(g:NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks, i) let invalidBookmarksFound += 1 endtry endif endfor if invalidBookmarksFound call s:Bookmark.Write() if !a:silent call s:echo(invalidBookmarksFound . " invalid bookmarks were read. See :help NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks for info.") endif endif call s:Bookmark.Sort() endif endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.compareTo(otherbookmark) {{{3 " Compare these two bookmarks for sorting purposes function! s:Bookmark.compareTo(otherbookmark) return a:otherbookmark.name < self.name endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.ClearAll() {{{3 " Class method to delete all bookmarks. function! s:Bookmark.ClearAll() for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() call i.delete() endfor call s:Bookmark.Write() endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.delete() {{{3 " Delete this bookmark. If the node for this bookmark is under the current " root, then recache bookmarks for its Path object function! s:Bookmark.delete() let node = {} try let node = self.getNode(1) catch /NERDTree.BookmarkedNodeNotFound/ endtry call remove(s:Bookmark.Bookmarks(), index(s:Bookmark.Bookmarks(), self)) if !empty(node) call node.path.cacheDisplayString() endif call s:Bookmark.Write() endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.getNode(searchFromAbsoluteRoot) {{{3 " Gets the treenode for this bookmark " " Args: " searchFromAbsoluteRoot: specifies whether we should search from the current " tree root, or the highest cached node function! s:Bookmark.getNode(searchFromAbsoluteRoot) let searchRoot = a:searchFromAbsoluteRoot ? s:TreeDirNode.AbsoluteTreeRoot() : t:NERDTreeRoot let targetNode = searchRoot.findNode(self.path) if empty(targetNode) throw "NERDTree.BookmarkedNodeNotFound no node was found for bookmark: " . self.name endif return targetNode endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.GetNodeForName(name, searchFromAbsoluteRoot) {{{3 " Class method that finds the bookmark with the given name and returns the " treenode for it. function! s:Bookmark.GetNodeForName(name, searchFromAbsoluteRoot) let bookmark = s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(a:name) return bookmark.getNode(a:searchFromAbsoluteRoot) endfunction " Function: Bookmark.InvalidBookmarks() {{{3 " Class method to get all invalid bookmark strings read from the bookmarks " file function! s:Bookmark.InvalidBookmarks() if !exists("g:NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks") let g:NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks = [] endif return g:NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.mustExist() {{{3 function! s:Bookmark.mustExist() if !self.path.exists() call s:Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(1) throw "NERDTree.BookmarkPointsToInvalidLocation exception: the bookmark \"". \ self.name ."\" points to a non existing location: \"". self.path.strForOS(0) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.New(name, path) {{{3 " Create a new bookmark object with the given name and path object function! s:Bookmark.New(name, path) if a:name =~ ' ' throw "NERDTree.IllegalBookmarkName illegal name:" . a:name endif let newBookmark = copy(self) let newBookmark.name = a:name let newBookmark.path = a:path return newBookmark endfunction " Function: Bookmark.setPath(path) {{{3 " makes this bookmark point to the given path function! s:Bookmark.setPath(path) let self.path = a:path endfunction " Function: Bookmark.Sort() {{{3 " Class method that sorts all bookmarks function! s:Bookmark.Sort() let CompareFunc = function("s:compareBookmarks") call sort(s:Bookmark.Bookmarks(), CompareFunc) endfunction " Function: Bookmark.str() {{{3 " Get the string that should be rendered in the view for this bookmark function! s:Bookmark.str() let pathStrMaxLen = winwidth(s:getTreeWinNum()) - 4 - len(self.name) if &nu let pathStrMaxLen = pathStrMaxLen - &numberwidth endif let pathStr = self.path.strForOS(0) if len(pathStr) > pathStrMaxLen let pathStr = '<' . strpart(pathStr, len(pathStr) - pathStrMaxLen) endif return '>' . self.name . ' ' . pathStr endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.toRoot() {{{3 " Make the node for this bookmark the new tree root function! s:Bookmark.toRoot() if self.validate() try let targetNode = self.getNode(1) catch /NERDTree.BookmarkedNodeNotFound/ let targetNode = s:TreeFileNode.New(s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(self.name).path) endtry call targetNode.makeRoot() call s:renderView() call s:putCursorOnNode(targetNode, 0, 0) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.ToRoot(name) {{{3 " Make the node for this bookmark the new tree root function! s:Bookmark.ToRoot(name) let bookmark = s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(a:name) call bookmark.toRoot() endfunction "FUNCTION: Bookmark.validate() {{{3 function! s:Bookmark.validate() if self.path.exists() return 1 else call s:Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(1) call s:renderView() call s:echo(self.name . "now points to an invalid location. See :help NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks for info.") return 0 endif endfunction " Function: Bookmark.Write() {{{3 " Class method to write all bookmarks to the bookmarks file function! s:Bookmark.Write() let bookmarkStrings = [] for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() call add(bookmarkStrings, i.name . ' ' . i.path.strForOS(0)) endfor "add a blank line before the invalid ones call add(bookmarkStrings, "") for j in s:Bookmark.InvalidBookmarks() call add(bookmarkStrings, j) endfor call writefile(bookmarkStrings, g:NERDTreeBookmarksFile) endfunction "CLASS: TreeFileNode {{{2 "This class is the parent of the TreeDirNode class and constitures the "'Component' part of the composite design pattern between the treenode "classes. "============================================================ let s:TreeFileNode = {} "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.bookmark(name) {{{3 "bookmark this node with a:name function! s:TreeFileNode.bookmark(name) try let oldMarkedNode = s:Bookmark.GetNodeForName(a:name, 1) call oldMarkedNode.path.cacheDisplayString() catch /NERDTree.Bookmark\(DoesntExist\|NotFound\)/ endtry call s:Bookmark.AddBookmark(a:name, self.path) call self.path.cacheDisplayString() call s:Bookmark.Write() endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.cacheParent() {{{3 "initializes self.parent if it isnt already function! s:TreeFileNode.cacheParent() if empty(self.parent) let parentPath = self.path.getParent() if parentPath.equals(self.path) throw "NERDTree.CannotCacheParent exception: already at root" endif let self.parent = s:TreeFileNode.New(parentPath) endif endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.compareNodes {{{3 "This is supposed to be a class level method but i cant figure out how to "get func refs to work from a dict.. " "A class level method that compares two nodes " "Args: "n1, n2: the 2 nodes to compare function! s:compareNodes(n1, n2) return a:n1.path.compareTo(a:n2.path) endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.clearBoomarks() {{{3 function! s:TreeFileNode.clearBoomarks() for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() if i.path.equals(self.path) call i.delete() end endfor call self.path.cacheDisplayString() endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.copy(dest) {{{3 function! s:TreeFileNode.copy(dest) call self.path.copy(a:dest) let newPath = s:Path.New(a:dest) let parent = t:NERDTreeRoot.findNode(newPath.getParent()) if !empty(parent) call parent.refresh() endif return parent.findNode(newPath) endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.delete {{{3 "Removes this node from the tree and calls the Delete method for its path obj function! s:TreeFileNode.delete() call self.path.delete() call self.parent.removeChild(self) endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.equals(treenode) {{{3 " "Compares this treenode to the input treenode and returns 1 if they are the "same node. " "Use this method instead of == because sometimes when the treenodes contain "many children, vim seg faults when doing == " "Args: "treenode: the other treenode to compare to function! s:TreeFileNode.equals(treenode) return self.path.str(1) == a:treenode.path.str(1) endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.findNode(path) {{{3 "Returns self if this node.path.Equals the given path. "Returns {} if not equal. " "Args: "path: the path object to compare against function! s:TreeFileNode.findNode(path) if a:path.equals(self.path) return self endif return {} endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.findOpenDirSiblingWithVisibleChildren(direction) {{{3 " "Finds the next sibling for this node in the indicated direction. This sibling "must be a directory and may/may not have children as specified. " "Args: "direction: 0 if you want to find the previous sibling, 1 for the next sibling " "Return: "a treenode object or {} if no appropriate sibling could be found function! s:TreeFileNode.findOpenDirSiblingWithVisibleChildren(direction) "if we have no parent then we can have no siblings if self.parent != {} let nextSibling = self.findSibling(a:direction) while nextSibling != {} if nextSibling.path.isDirectory && nextSibling.hasVisibleChildren() && nextSibling.isOpen return nextSibling endif let nextSibling = nextSibling.findSibling(a:direction) endwhile endif return {} endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.findSibling(direction) {{{3 " "Finds the next sibling for this node in the indicated direction " "Args: "direction: 0 if you want to find the previous sibling, 1 for the next sibling " "Return: "a treenode object or {} if no sibling could be found function! s:TreeFileNode.findSibling(direction) "if we have no parent then we can have no siblings if self.parent != {} "get the index of this node in its parents children let siblingIndx = self.parent.getChildIndex(self.path) if siblingIndx != -1 "move a long to the next potential sibling node let siblingIndx = a:direction == 1 ? siblingIndx+1 : siblingIndx-1 "keep moving along to the next sibling till we find one that is valid let numSiblings = self.parent.getChildCount() while siblingIndx >= 0 && siblingIndx < numSiblings "if the next node is not an ignored node (i.e. wont show up in the "view) then return it if self.parent.children[siblingIndx].path.ignore() == 0 return self.parent.children[siblingIndx] endif "go to next node let siblingIndx = a:direction == 1 ? siblingIndx+1 : siblingIndx-1 endwhile endif endif return {} endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.isVisible() {{{3 "returns 1 if this node should be visible according to the tree filters and "hidden file filters (and their on/off status) function! s:TreeFileNode.isVisible() return !self.path.ignore() endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.isRoot() {{{3 "returns 1 if this node is t:NERDTreeRoot function! s:TreeFileNode.isRoot() if !s:treeExistsForTab() throw "NERDTree.TreeFileNode.IsRoot exception: No tree exists for the current tab" endif return self.equals(t:NERDTreeRoot) endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.makeRoot() {{{3 "Make this node the root of the tree function! s:TreeFileNode.makeRoot() if self.path.isDirectory let t:NERDTreeRoot = self else call self.cacheParent() let t:NERDTreeRoot = self.parent endif call t:NERDTreeRoot.open() "change dir to the dir of the new root if instructed to if g:NERDTreeChDirMode == 2 exec "cd " . t:NERDTreeRoot.path.strForEditCmd() endif endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.New(path) {{{3 "Returns a new TreeNode object with the given path and parent " "Args: "path: a path object representing the full filesystem path to the file/dir that the node represents function! s:TreeFileNode.New(path) if a:path.isDirectory return s:TreeDirNode.New(a:path) else let newTreeNode = {} let newTreeNode = copy(self) let newTreeNode.path = a:path let newTreeNode.parent = {} return newTreeNode endif endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.refresh() {{{3 function! s:TreeFileNode.refresh() call self.path.refresh() endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.rename() {{{3 "Calls the rename method for this nodes path obj function! s:TreeFileNode.rename(newName) let newName = substitute(a:newName, '\(\\\|\/\)$', '', '') call self.path.rename(newName) call self.parent.removeChild(self) let parentPath = self.path.getPathTrunk() let newParent = t:NERDTreeRoot.findNode(parentPath) if newParent != {} call newParent.createChild(self.path, 1) call newParent.refresh() endif endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeFileNode.strDisplay() {{{3 " "Returns a string that specifies how the node should be represented as a "string " "Return: "a string that can be used in the view to represent this node function! s:TreeFileNode.strDisplay() return self.path.strDisplay() endfunction "CLASS: TreeDirNode {{{2 "This class is a child of the TreeFileNode class and constitutes the "'Composite' part of the composite design pattern between the treenode "classes. "============================================================ let s:TreeDirNode = copy(s:TreeFileNode) "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.AbsoluteTreeRoot(){{{3 "class method that returns the highest cached ancestor of the current root function! s:TreeDirNode.AbsoluteTreeRoot() let currentNode = t:NERDTreeRoot while currentNode.parent != {} let currentNode = currentNode.parent endwhile return currentNode endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.addChild(treenode, inOrder) {{{3 "Adds the given treenode to the list of children for this node " "Args: "-treenode: the node to add "-inOrder: 1 if the new node should be inserted in sorted order function! s:TreeDirNode.addChild(treenode, inOrder) call add(self.children, a:treenode) let a:treenode.parent = self if a:inOrder call self.sortChildren() endif endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.close() {{{3 "Closes this directory function! s:TreeDirNode.close() let self.isOpen = 0 endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.closeChildren() {{{3 "Closes all the child dir nodes of this node function! s:TreeDirNode.closeChildren() for i in self.children if i.path.isDirectory call i.close() call i.closeChildren() endif endfor endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.createChild(path, inOrder) {{{3 "Instantiates a new child node for this node with the given path. The new "nodes parent is set to this node. " "Args: "path: a Path object that this node will represent/contain "inOrder: 1 if the new node should be inserted in sorted order " "Returns: "the newly created node function! s:TreeDirNode.createChild(path, inOrder) let newTreeNode = s:TreeFileNode.New(a:path) call self.addChild(newTreeNode, a:inOrder) return newTreeNode endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.findNode(path) {{{3 "Will find one of the children (recursively) that has the given path " "Args: "path: a path object unlet s:TreeDirNode.findNode function! s:TreeDirNode.findNode(path) if a:path.equals(self.path) return self endif if stridx(a:path.str(1), self.path.str(1), 0) == -1 return {} endif if self.path.isDirectory for i in self.children let retVal = i.findNode(a:path) if retVal != {} return retVal endif endfor endif return {} endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.getChildCount() {{{3 "Returns the number of children this node has function! s:TreeDirNode.getChildCount() return len(self.children) endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.getChild(path) {{{3 "Returns child node of this node that has the given path or {} if no such node "exists. " "This function doesnt not recurse into child dir nodes " "Args: "path: a path object function! s:TreeDirNode.getChild(path) if stridx(a:path.str(1), self.path.str(1), 0) == -1 return {} endif let index = self.getChildIndex(a:path) if index == -1 return {} else return self.children[index] endif endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.getChildByIndex(indx, visible) {{{3 "returns the child at the given index "Args: "indx: the index to get the child from "visible: 1 if only the visible children array should be used, 0 if all the "children should be searched. function! s:TreeDirNode.getChildByIndex(indx, visible) let array_to_search = a:visible? self.getVisibleChildren() : self.children if a:indx > len(array_to_search) throw "NERDTree.TreeDirNode.InvalidArguments exception. Index is out of bounds." endif return array_to_search[a:indx] endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.getChildIndex(path) {{{3 "Returns the index of the child node of this node that has the given path or "-1 if no such node exists. " "This function doesnt not recurse into child dir nodes " "Args: "path: a path object function! s:TreeDirNode.getChildIndex(path) if stridx(a:path.str(1), self.path.str(1), 0) == -1 return -1 endif "do a binary search for the child let a = 0 let z = self.getChildCount() while a < z let mid = (a+z)/2 let diff = a:path.compareTo(self.children[mid].path) if diff == -1 let z = mid elseif diff == 1 let a = mid+1 else return mid endif endwhile return -1 endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.getVisibleChildCount() {{{3 "Returns the number of visible children this node has function! s:TreeDirNode.getVisibleChildCount() return len(self.getVisibleChildren()) endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.getVisibleChildren() {{{3 "Returns a list of children to display for this node, in the correct order " "Return: "an array of treenodes function! s:TreeDirNode.getVisibleChildren() let toReturn = [] for i in self.children if i.path.ignore() == 0 call add(toReturn, i) endif endfor return toReturn endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.hasVisibleChildren() {{{3 "returns 1 if this node has any childre, 0 otherwise.. function! s:TreeDirNode.hasVisibleChildren() return self.getVisibleChildCount() != 0 endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode._initChildren() {{{3 "Removes all childen from this node and re-reads them " "Args: "silent: 1 if the function should not echo any "please wait" messages for "large directories " "Return: the number of child nodes read function! s:TreeDirNode._initChildren(silent) "remove all the current child nodes let self.children = [] "get an array of all the files in the nodes dir let dir = self.path let filesStr = globpath(dir.strForGlob(), '*') . "\n" . globpath(dir.strForGlob(), '.*') let files = split(filesStr, "\n") if !a:silent && len(files) > g:NERDTreeNotificationThreshold call s:echo("Please wait, caching a large dir ...") endif let invalidFilesFound = 0 for i in files "filter out the .. and . directories "Note: we must match .. AND ../ cos sometimes the globpath returns "../ for path with strange chars (eg $) if i !~ '\.\.\/\?$' && i !~ '\.\/\?$' "put the next file in a new node and attach it try let path = s:Path.New(i) call self.createChild(path, 0) catch /^NERDTree.Path.\(InvalidArguments\|InvalidFiletype\)/ let invalidFilesFound += 1 endtry endif endfor call self.sortChildren() if !a:silent && len(files) > g:NERDTreeNotificationThreshold call s:echo("Please wait, caching a large dir ... DONE (". self.getChildCount() ." nodes cached).") endif if invalidFilesFound call s:echoWarning(invalidFilesFound . " file(s) could not be loaded into the NERD tree") endif return self.getChildCount() endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.New(path) {{{3 "Returns a new TreeNode object with the given path and parent " "Args: "path: a path object representing the full filesystem path to the file/dir that the node represents unlet s:TreeDirNode.New function! s:TreeDirNode.New(path) if a:path.isDirectory != 1 throw "NERDTree.TreeDirNode.InvalidArguments exception. A TreeDirNode object must be instantiated with a directory Path object." endif let newTreeNode = copy(self) let newTreeNode.path = a:path let newTreeNode.isOpen = 0 let newTreeNode.children = [] let newTreeNode.parent = {} return newTreeNode endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.open() {{{3 "Reads in all this nodes children " "Return: the number of child nodes read function! s:TreeDirNode.open() let self.isOpen = 1 if self.children == [] return self._initChildren(0) else return 0 endif endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.openRecursively() {{{3 "Opens this treenode and all of its children whose paths arent 'ignored' "because of the file filters. " "This method is actually a wrapper for the OpenRecursively2 method which does "the work. function! s:TreeDirNode.openRecursively() call self._openRecursively2(1) endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode._openRecursively2() {{{3 "Opens this all children of this treenode recursively if either: " *they arent filtered by file filters " *a:forceOpen is 1 " "Args: "forceOpen: 1 if this node should be opened regardless of file filters function! s:TreeDirNode._openRecursively2(forceOpen) if self.path.ignore() == 0 || a:forceOpen let self.isOpen = 1 if self.children == [] call self._initChildren(1) endif for i in self.children if i.path.isDirectory == 1 call i._openRecursively2(0) endif endfor endif endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.refresh() {{{3 unlet s:TreeDirNode.refresh function! s:TreeDirNode.refresh() call self.path.refresh() "if this node was ever opened, refresh its children if self.isOpen || !empty(self.children) "go thru all the files/dirs under this node let newChildNodes = [] let invalidFilesFound = 0 let dir = self.path let filesStr = globpath(dir.strForGlob(), '*') . "\n" . globpath(dir.strForGlob(), '.*') let files = split(filesStr, "\n") for i in files if i !~ '\.\.$' && i !~ '\.$' try "create a new path and see if it exists in this nodes children let path = s:Path.New(i) let newNode = self.getChild(path) if newNode != {} call newNode.refresh() call add(newChildNodes, newNode) "the node doesnt exist so create it else let newNode = s:TreeFileNode.New(path) let newNode.parent = self call add(newChildNodes, newNode) endif catch /^NERDTree.InvalidArguments/ let invalidFilesFound = 1 endtry endif endfor "swap this nodes children out for the children we just read/refreshed let self.children = newChildNodes call self.sortChildren() if invalidFilesFound call s:echoWarning("some files could not be loaded into the NERD tree") endif endif endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.removeChild(treenode) {{{3 " "Removes the given treenode from this nodes set of children " "Args: "treenode: the node to remove " "Throws a NERDTree.TreeDirNode exception if the given treenode is not found function! s:TreeDirNode.removeChild(treenode) for i in range(0, self.getChildCount()-1) if self.children[i].equals(a:treenode) call remove(self.children, i) return endif endfor throw "NERDTree.TreeDirNode exception: child node was not found" endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.sortChildren() {{{3 " "Sorts the children of this node according to alphabetical order and the "directory priority. " function! s:TreeDirNode.sortChildren() let CompareFunc = function("s:compareNodes") call sort(self.children, CompareFunc) endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.toggleOpen() {{{3 "Opens this directory if it is closed and vice versa function! s:TreeDirNode.toggleOpen() if self.isOpen == 1 call self.close() else call self.open() endif endfunction "FUNCTION: TreeDirNode.transplantChild(newNode) {{{3 "Replaces the child of this with the given node (where the child node's full "path matches a:newNode's fullpath). The search for the matching node is "non-recursive " "Arg: "newNode: the node to graft into the tree function! s:TreeDirNode.transplantChild(newNode) for i in range(0, self.getChildCount()-1) if self.children[i].equals(a:newNode) let self.children[i] = a:newNode let a:newNode.parent = self break endif endfor endfunction "============================================================ "CLASS: Path {{{2 "============================================================ let s:Path = {} "FUNCTION: Path.bookmarkNames() {{{3 function! s:Path.bookmarkNames() if !exists("self._bookmarkNames") call self.cacheDisplayString() endif return self._bookmarkNames endfunction "FUNCTION: Path.cacheDisplayString() {{{3 function! s:Path.cacheDisplayString() let self.cachedDisplayString = self.getLastPathComponent(1) if self.isExecutable let self.cachedDisplayString = self.cachedDisplayString . '*' endif let self._bookmarkNames = [] for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() if i.path.equals(self) call add(self._bookmarkNames, i.name) endif endfor if !empty(self._bookmarkNames) let self.cachedDisplayString .= ' {' . join(self._bookmarkNames) . '}' endif if self.isSymLink let self.cachedDisplayString .= ' -> ' . self.symLinkDest endif if self.isReadOnly let self.cachedDisplayString .= ' [RO]' endif endfunction "FUNCTION: Path.changeToDir() {{{3 function! s:Path.changeToDir() let dir = self.strForCd() if self.isDirectory == 0 let dir = self.getPathTrunk().strForCd() endif try execute "cd " . dir call s:echo("CWD is now: " . getcwd()) catch throw "NERDTree.Path.Change exception: cannot change to " . dir endtry endfunction "FUNCTION: Path.compareTo() {{{3 " "Compares this Path to the given path and returns 0 if they are equal, -1 if "this Path is "less than" the given path, or 1 if it is "greater". " "Args: "path: the path object to compare this to " "Return: "1, -1 or 0 function! s:Path.compareTo(path) let thisPath = self.getLastPathComponent(1) let thatPath = a:path.getLastPathComponent(1) "if the paths are the same then clearly we return 0 if thisPath == thatPath return 0 endif let thisSS = self.getSortOrderIndex() let thatSS = a:path.getSortOrderIndex() "compare the sort sequences, if they are different then the return "value is easy if thisSS < thatSS return -1 elseif thisSS > thatSS return 1 else "if the sort sequences are the same then compare the paths "alphabetically let pathCompare = g:NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort ? thisPath <# thatPath : thisPath >> "FUNCTION: s:compareBookmarks(first, second) {{{2 "Compares two bookmarks function! s:compareBookmarks(first, second) return a:first.compareTo(a:second) endfunction " FUNCTION: s:completeBookmarks(A,L,P) {{{2 " completion function for the bookmark commands function! s:completeBookmarks(A,L,P) return filter(s:Bookmark.BookmarkNames(), 'v:val =~ "^' . a:A . '"') endfunction "FUNCTION: s:initNerdTree(name) {{{2 "Initialise the nerd tree for this tab. The tree will start in either the "given directory, or the directory associated with the given bookmark " "Args: "name: the name of a bookmark or a directory function! s:initNerdTree(name) let path = {} if s:Bookmark.BookmarkExistsFor(a:name) let path = s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(a:name).path else let dir = a:name == '' ? expand('%:p:h') : a:name let dir = resolve(dir) try let path = s:Path.New(dir) catch /NERDTree.Path.InvalidArguments/ call s:echo("No bookmark or directory found for: " . a:name) return endtry endif if !path.isDirectory let path = path.getParent() endif "if instructed to, then change the vim CWD to the dir the NERDTree is "inited in if g:NERDTreeChDirMode != 0 exec 'cd ' . path.strForCd() endif let t:treeShowHelp = 0 let t:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled = 1 let t:NERDTreeShowFiles = g:NERDTreeShowFiles let t:NERDTreeShowHidden = g:NERDTreeShowHidden let t:NERDTreeShowBookmarks = g:NERDTreeShowBookmarks if s:treeExistsForTab() if s:isTreeOpen() call s:closeTree() endif unlet t:NERDTreeRoot endif let t:NERDTreeRoot = s:TreeDirNode.New(path) call t:NERDTreeRoot.open() call s:createTreeWin() call s:renderView() call s:putCursorOnNode(t:NERDTreeRoot, 0, 0) endfunction " Function: s:treeExistsForTab() {{{2 " Returns 1 if a nerd tree root exists in the current tab function! s:treeExistsForTab() return exists("t:NERDTreeRoot") endfunction " SECTION: Public Functions {{{1 "============================================================ "Returns the node that the cursor is currently on. " "If the cursor is not in the NERDTree window, it is temporarily put there. " "If no NERD tree window exists for the current tab, a NERDTree.NoTreeForTab "exception is thrown. " "If the cursor is not on a node then an empty dictionary {} is returned. function! NERDTreeGetCurrentNode() if !s:treeExistsForTab() || !s:isTreeOpen() throw "NERDTree.NoTreeForTab exception: there is no NERD tree open for the current tab" endif let winnr = winnr() if winnr != s:getTreeWinNum() call s:putCursorInTreeWin() endif let treenode = s:getSelectedNode() if winnr != winnr() wincmd w endif return treenode endfunction "Returns the path object for the current node. " "Subject to the same conditions as NERDTreeGetCurrentNode function! NERDTreeGetCurrentPath() let node = NERDTreeGetCurrentNode() if node != {} return node.path else return {} endif endfunction " SECTION: View Functions {{{1 "============================================================ "FUNCTION: s:centerView() {{{2 "centers the nerd tree window around the cursor (provided the nerd tree "options permit) function! s:centerView() if g:NERDTreeAutoCenter let current_line = winline() let lines_to_top = current_line let lines_to_bottom = winheight(s:getTreeWinNum()) - current_line if lines_to_top < g:NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold || lines_to_bottom < g:NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold normal! zz endif endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:closeTree() {{{2 "Closes the NERD tree window function! s:closeTree() if !s:isTreeOpen() throw "NERDTree.view.closeTree exception: no NERDTree is open" endif if winnr("$") != 1 execute s:getTreeWinNum() . " wincmd w" close execute "wincmd p" else :q endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:closeTreeIfOpen() {{{2 "Closes the NERD tree window if it is open function! s:closeTreeIfOpen() if s:isTreeOpen() call s:closeTree() endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:closeTreeIfQuitOnOpen() {{{2 "Closes the NERD tree window if the close on open option is set function! s:closeTreeIfQuitOnOpen() if g:NERDTreeQuitOnOpen call s:closeTree() endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:createTreeWin() {{{2 "Inits the NERD tree window. ie. opens it, sizes it, sets all the local "options etc function! s:createTreeWin() "create the nerd tree window let splitLocation = (g:NERDTreeWinPos == "top" || g:NERDTreeWinPos == "left") ? "topleft " : "botright " let splitMode = s:shouldSplitVertically() ? "vertical " : "" let splitSize = g:NERDTreeWinSize let t:NERDTreeWinName = localtime() . s:NERDTreeWinName let cmd = splitLocation . splitMode . splitSize . ' new ' . t:NERDTreeWinName silent! execute cmd setlocal winfixwidth "throwaway buffer options setlocal noswapfile setlocal buftype=nofile setlocal bufhidden=delete setlocal nowrap setlocal foldcolumn=0 setlocal nobuflisted setlocal nospell if g:NERDTreeShowLineNumbers setlocal nu else setlocal nonu endif iabc if g:NERDTreeHighlightCursorline setlocal cursorline endif call s:bindMappings() setfiletype nerdtree " syntax highlighting if has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_on") && !has("syntax_items") call s:setupSyntaxHighlighting() endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:drawTree {{{2 "Draws the given node recursively " "Args: "curNode: the node that is being rendered with this call "depth: the current depth in the tree for this call "drawText: 1 if we should actually draw the line for this node (if 0 then the "child nodes are rendered only) "vertMap: a binary array that indicates whether a vertical bar should be draw "for each depth in the tree "isLastChild:true if this curNode is the last child of its parent function! s:drawTree(curNode, depth, drawText, vertMap, isLastChild) if a:drawText == 1 let treeParts = '' "get all the leading spaces and vertical tree parts for this line if a:depth > 1 for j in a:vertMap[0:-2] if j == 1 let treeParts = treeParts . '| ' else let treeParts = treeParts . ' ' endif endfor endif "get the last vertical tree part for this line which will be different "if this node is the last child of its parent if a:isLastChild let treeParts = treeParts . '`' else let treeParts = treeParts . '|' endif "smack the appropriate dir/file symbol on the line before the file/dir "name itself if a:curNode.path.isDirectory if a:curNode.isOpen let treeParts = treeParts . '~' else let treeParts = treeParts . '+' endif else let treeParts = treeParts . '-' endif let line = treeParts . a:curNode.strDisplay() call setline(line(".")+1, line) call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) endif "if the node is an open dir, draw its children if a:curNode.path.isDirectory == 1 && a:curNode.isOpen == 1 let childNodesToDraw = a:curNode.getVisibleChildren() if len(childNodesToDraw) > 0 "draw all the nodes children except the last let lastIndx = len(childNodesToDraw)-1 if lastIndx > 0 for i in childNodesToDraw[0:lastIndx-1] call s:drawTree(i, a:depth + 1, 1, add(copy(a:vertMap), 1), 0) endfor endif "draw the last child, indicating that it IS the last call s:drawTree(childNodesToDraw[lastIndx], a:depth + 1, 1, add(copy(a:vertMap), 0), 1) endif endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:dumpHelp {{{2 "prints out the quick help function! s:dumpHelp() let old_h = @h if t:treeShowHelp == 1 let @h= "\" NERD tree (" . s:NERD_tree_version . ") quickhelp~\n" let @h=@h."\" ============================\n" let @h=@h."\" File node mappings~\n" let @h=@h."\" ". (g:NERDTreeMouseMode == 3 ? "single" : "double") ."-click,\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode .": open in prev window\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapPreview .": preview\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab.": open in new tab\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent .": open in new tab silently\n" let @h=@h."\" middle-click,\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit .": open split\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapPreviewSplit .": preview split\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapExecute.": Execute file\n" let @h=@h."\"\n\" ----------------------------\n" let @h=@h."\" Directory node mappings~\n" let @h=@h."\" ". (g:NERDTreeMouseMode == 1 ? "double" : "single") ."-click,\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode .": open & close node\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively .": recursively open node\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapCloseDir .": close parent of node\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapCloseChildren .": close all child nodes of\n" let @h=@h."\" current node recursively\n" let @h=@h."\" middle-click,\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenExpl.": Open netrw for selected\n" let @h=@h."\" node\n" let @h=@h."\"\n\" ----------------------------\n" let @h=@h."\" Bookmark table mappings~\n" let @h=@h."\" double-click,\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode .": open bookmark\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab.": open in new tab\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent .": open in new tab silently\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapDeleteBookmark .": delete bookmark\n" let @h=@h."\"\n\" ----------------------------\n" let @h=@h."\" Tree navigation mappings~\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpRoot .": go to root\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpParent .": go to parent\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild .": go to first child\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild .": go to last child\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling .": go to next sibling\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling .": go to prev sibling\n" let @h=@h."\"\n\" ----------------------------\n" let @h=@h."\" Filesystem mappings~\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapChangeRoot .": change tree root to the\n" let @h=@h."\" selected dir\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapUpdir .": move tree root up a dir\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen .": move tree root up a dir\n" let @h=@h."\" but leave old root open\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapRefresh .": refresh cursor dir\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot .": refresh current root\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapFilesystemMenu .": Show filesystem menu\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapChdir .":change the CWD to the\n" let @h=@h."\" selected dir\n" let @h=@h."\"\n\" ----------------------------\n" let @h=@h."\" Tree filtering mappings~\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleHidden .": hidden files (" . (t:NERDTreeShowHidden ? "on" : "off") . ")\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleFilters .": file filters (" . (t:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled ? "on" : "off") . ")\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleFiles .": files (" . (t:NERDTreeShowFiles ? "on" : "off") . ")\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleBookmarks .": bookmarks (" . (t:NERDTreeShowBookmarks ? "on" : "off") . ")\n" let @h=@h."\"\n\" ----------------------------\n" let @h=@h."\" Other mappings~\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapQuit .": Close the NERDTree window\n" let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapHelp .": toggle help\n" let @h=@h."\"\n\" ----------------------------\n" let @h=@h."\" Bookmark commands~\n" let @h=@h."\" :Bookmark \n" let @h=@h."\" :BookmarkToRoot \n" let @h=@h."\" :RevealBookmark \n" let @h=@h."\" :OpenBookmark \n" let @h=@h."\" :ClearBookmarks []\n" let @h=@h."\" :ClearAllBookmarks\n" else let @h="\" Press ". g:NERDTreeMapHelp ." for help\n" endif silent! put h let @h = old_h endfunction "FUNCTION: s:echo {{{2 "A wrapper for :echo. Appends 'NERDTree:' on the front of all messages " "Args: "msg: the message to echo function! s:echo(msg) redraw echomsg "NERDTree: " . a:msg endfunction "FUNCTION: s:echoWarning {{{2 "Wrapper for s:echo, sets the message type to warningmsg for this message "Args: "msg: the message to echo function! s:echoWarning(msg) echohl warningmsg call s:echo(a:msg) echohl normal endfunction "FUNCTION: s:echoError {{{2 "Wrapper for s:echo, sets the message type to errormsg for this message "Args: "msg: the message to echo function! s:echoError(msg) echohl errormsg call s:echo(a:msg) echohl normal endfunction "FUNCTION: s:findNodeLineNumber(treenode){{{2 "Finds the line number for the given tree node " "Args: "treenode: the node to find the line no. for function! s:findNodeLineNumber(treenode) "if the node is the root then return the root line no. if a:treenode.isRoot() return s:findRootNodeLineNumber() endif let totalLines = line("$") "the path components we have matched so far let pathcomponents = [substitute(t:NERDTreeRoot.path.str(0), '/ *$', '', '')] "the index of the component we are searching for let curPathComponent = 1 let fullpath = a:treenode.path.str(0) let lnum = s:findRootNodeLineNumber() while lnum > 0 let lnum = lnum + 1 "have we reached the bottom of the tree? if lnum == totalLines+1 return -1 endif let curLine = getline(lnum) let indent = match(curLine,s:tree_markup_reg_neg) / s:tree_wid if indent == curPathComponent let curLine = s:stripMarkupFromLine(curLine, 1) let curPath = join(pathcomponents, '/') . '/' . curLine if stridx(fullpath, curPath, 0) == 0 if fullpath == curPath || strpart(fullpath, len(curPath)-1,1) == '/' let curLine = substitute(curLine, '/ *$', '', '') call add(pathcomponents, curLine) let curPathComponent = curPathComponent + 1 if fullpath == curPath return lnum endif endif endif endif endwhile return -1 endfunction "FUNCTION: s:findRootNodeLineNumber(){{{2 "Finds the line number of the root node function! s:findRootNodeLineNumber() let rootLine = 1 while getline(rootLine) !~ '^/' let rootLine = rootLine + 1 endwhile return rootLine endfunction "FUNCTION: s:getPath(ln) {{{2 "Gets the full path to the node that is rendered on the given line number " "Args: "ln: the line number to get the path for " "Return: "A path if a node was selected, {} if nothing is selected. "If the 'up a dir' line was selected then the path to the parent of the "current root is returned function! s:getPath(ln) let line = getline(a:ln) "check to see if we have the root node if line =~ '^\/' return t:NERDTreeRoot.path endif " in case called from outside the tree if line !~ '^ *[|`]' || line =~ '^$' return {} endif if line == s:tree_up_dir_line return t:NERDTreeRoot.path.getParent() endif "get the indent level for the file (i.e. how deep in the tree it is) let indent = match(line, s:tree_markup_reg_neg) / s:tree_wid "remove the tree parts and the leading space let curFile = s:stripMarkupFromLine(line, 0) let wasdir = 0 if curFile =~ '/$' let wasdir = 1 let curFile = substitute(curFile, '/\?$', '/', "") endif let dir = "" let lnum = a:ln while lnum > 0 let lnum = lnum - 1 let curLine = getline(lnum) let curLineStripped = s:stripMarkupFromLine(curLine, 1) "have we reached the top of the tree? if curLine =~ '^/' let dir = substitute (curLine, ' *$', "", "") . dir break endif if curLineStripped =~ '/$' let lpindent = match(curLine,s:tree_markup_reg_neg) / s:tree_wid if lpindent < indent let indent = indent - 1 let dir = substitute (curLineStripped,'^\\', "", "") . dir continue endif endif endwhile let curFile = t:NERDTreeRoot.path.drive . dir . curFile let toReturn = s:Path.New(curFile) return toReturn endfunction "FUNCTION: s:getSelectedBookmark() {{{2 "returns the bookmark the cursor is over in the bookmarks table or {} function! s:getSelectedBookmark() let line = getline(".") let name = substitute(line, '^>\(.\{-}\) .\+$', '\1', '') if name != line try return s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(name) catch /NERDTree.BookmarkNotFound/ return {} endtry endif return {} endfunction "FUNCTION: s:getSelectedDir() {{{2 "Returns the current node if it is a dir node, or else returns the current "nodes parent function! s:getSelectedDir() let currentDir = s:getSelectedNode() if currentDir != {} && !currentDir.isRoot() if currentDir.path.isDirectory == 0 let currentDir = currentDir.parent endif endif return currentDir endfunction "FUNCTION: s:getSelectedNode() {{{2 "gets the treenode that the cursor is currently over function! s:getSelectedNode() try let path = s:getPath(line(".")) if path == {} return {} endif return t:NERDTreeRoot.findNode(path) catch /^NERDTree/ return {} endtry endfunction "FUNCTION: s:getTreeWinNum() {{{2 "gets the nerd tree window number for this tab function! s:getTreeWinNum() if exists("t:NERDTreeWinName") return bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeWinName) else return -1 endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:isTreeOpen() {{{2 function! s:isTreeOpen() return s:getTreeWinNum() != -1 endfunction " FUNCTION: s:jumpToChild(direction) {{{2 " Args: " direction: 0 if going to first child, 1 if going to last function! s:jumpToChild(direction) let currentNode = s:getSelectedNode() if currentNode == {} || currentNode.isRoot() call s:echo("cannot jump to " . (a:direction ? "last" : "first") . " child") return end let dirNode = currentNode.parent let childNodes = dirNode.getVisibleChildren() let targetNode = childNodes[0] if a:direction let targetNode = childNodes[len(childNodes) - 1] endif if targetNode.equals(currentNode) let siblingDir = currentNode.parent.findOpenDirSiblingWithVisibleChildren(a:direction) if siblingDir != {} let indx = a:direction ? siblingDir.getVisibleChildCount()-1 : 0 let targetNode = siblingDir.getChildByIndex(indx, 1) endif endif call s:putCursorOnNode(targetNode, 1, 0) call s:centerView() endfunction "FUNCTION: s:openDirNodeSplit(treenode) {{{2 "Open the file represented by the given node in a new window. "No action is taken for file nodes " "ARGS: "treenode: file node to open function! s:openDirNodeSplit(treenode) if a:treenode.path.isDirectory == 1 call s:openNodeSplit(a:treenode) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:openExplorerFor(treenode) {{{2 " opens a netrw window for the given dir treenode function! s:openExplorerFor(treenode) let oldwin = winnr() wincmd p if oldwin == winnr() || (&modified && s:bufInWindows(winbufnr(winnr())) < 2) wincmd p call s:openDirNodeSplit(a:treenode) else exec ("silent edit " . a:treenode.path.strForEditCmd()) endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:openFileNode(treenode) {{{2 "Open the file represented by the given node in the current window, splitting "the window if needed " "ARGS: "treenode: file node to open function! s:openFileNode(treenode) call s:putCursorInTreeWin() "if the file is already open in this tab then just stick the cursor in it let winnr = bufwinnr('^' . a:treenode.path.strForOS(0) . '$') if winnr != -1 exec winnr . "wincmd w" elseif s:shouldSplitToOpen(winnr("#")) call s:openFileNodeSplit(a:treenode) else try wincmd p exec ("edit " . a:treenode.path.strForEditCmd()) catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E37/ call s:putCursorInTreeWin() call s:echo("Cannot open file, it is already open and modified") catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:/ echo v:exception endtry endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:openFileNodeSplit(treenode) {{{2 "Open the file represented by the given node in a new window. "No action is taken for dir nodes " "ARGS: "treenode: file node to open function! s:openFileNodeSplit(treenode) if a:treenode.path.isDirectory == 0 try call s:openNodeSplit(a:treenode) catch /^NERDTree.view.FileOpen/ call s:echo("Cannot open file, it is already open and modified" ) endtry endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:openNodeSplit(treenode) {{{2 "Open the file/dir represented by the given node in a new window " "ARGS: "treenode: file node to open function! s:openNodeSplit(treenode) call s:putCursorInTreeWin() " Save the user's settings for splitbelow and splitright let savesplitbelow=&splitbelow let savesplitright=&splitright " Figure out how to do the split based on the user's preferences. " We want to split to the (left,right,top,bottom) of the explorer " window, but we want to extract the screen real-estate from the " window next to the explorer if possible. " " 'there' will be set to a command to move from the split window " back to the explorer window " " 'back' will be set to a command to move from the explorer window " back to the newly split window " " 'right' and 'below' will be set to the settings needed for " splitbelow and splitright IF the explorer is the only window. " if s:shouldSplitVertically() let there= g:NERDTreeWinPos == "left" ? "wincmd h" : "wincmd l" let back = g:NERDTreeWinPos == "left" ? "wincmd l" : "wincmd h" let right= g:NERDTreeWinPos == "left" let below=0 else let there= g:NERDTreeWinPos == "top" ? "wincmd k" : "wincmd j" let back = g:NERDTreeWinPos == "top" ? "wincmd j" : "wincmd k" let below= g:NERDTreeWinPos == "top" let right=0 endif " Attempt to go to adjacent window exec(back) let onlyOneWin = (winnr() == s:getTreeWinNum()) " If no adjacent window, set splitright and splitbelow appropriately if onlyOneWin let &splitright=right let &splitbelow=below else " found adjacent window - invert split direction let &splitright=!right let &splitbelow=!below endif " Create a variable to use if splitting vertically let splitMode = "" if (onlyOneWin && s:shouldSplitVertically()) || (!onlyOneWin && !s:shouldSplitVertically()) let splitMode = "vertical" endif echomsg splitMode " Open the new window try exec(splitMode." sp " . a:treenode.path.strForEditCmd()) catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E37/ call s:putCursorInTreeWin() throw "NERDTree.view.FileOpen exception: ". a:treenode.path.str(0) ." is already open and modified." catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:/ "do nothing endtry "resize the tree window if no other window was open before if onlyOneWin let size = exists("t:NERDTreeOldWindowSize") ? t:NERDTreeOldWindowSize : g:NERDTreeWinSize exec(there) exec("silent ". splitMode ." resize ". size) wincmd p endif " Restore splitmode settings let &splitbelow=savesplitbelow let &splitright=savesplitright endfunction "FUNCTION: s:promptToDelBuffer(bufnum, msg){{{2 "prints out the given msg and, if the user responds by pushing 'y' then the "buffer with the given bufnum is deleted " "Args: "bufnum: the buffer that may be deleted "msg: a message that will be echoed to the user asking them if they wish to " del the buffer function! s:promptToDelBuffer(bufnum, msg) echo a:msg if nr2char(getchar()) == 'y' exec "silent bdelete! " . a:bufnum endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:putCursorOnBookmarkTable(){{{2 "Places the cursor at the top of the bookmarks table function! s:putCursorOnBookmarkTable() if !t:NERDTreeShowBookmarks throw "NERDTree.IllegalOperation exception: cant find bookmark table, bookmarks arent active" endif let rootNodeLine = s:findRootNodeLineNumber() let line = 1 while getline(line) !~ '^>-\+Bookmarks-\+$' let line = line + 1 if line >= rootNodeLine throw "NERDTree.BookmarkTableNotFound exception: didnt find the bookmarks table" endif endwhile call cursor(line, 0) endfunction "FUNCTION: s:putCursorOnNode(treenode, isJump, recurseUpward){{{2 "Places the cursor on the line number representing the given node " "Args: "treenode: the node to put the cursor on "isJump: 1 if this cursor movement should be counted as a jump by vim "recurseUpward: try to put the cursor on the parent if the this node isnt "visible function! s:putCursorOnNode(treenode, isJump, recurseUpward) let ln = s:findNodeLineNumber(a:treenode) if ln != -1 if a:isJump mark ' endif call cursor(ln, col(".")) else if a:recurseUpward let node = a:treenode while s:findNodeLineNumber(node) == -1 && node != {} let node = node.parent call node.open() endwhile call s:renderView() call s:putCursorOnNode(a:treenode, a:isJump, 0) endif endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:putCursorInTreeWin(){{{2 "Places the cursor in the nerd tree window function! s:putCursorInTreeWin() if !s:isTreeOpen() throw "NERDTree.view.InvalidOperation Exception: No NERD tree window exists" endif exec s:getTreeWinNum() . "wincmd w" endfunction "FUNCTION: s:renderBookmarks {{{2 function! s:renderBookmarks() call setline(line(".")+1, ">----------Bookmarks----------") call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() call setline(line(".")+1, i.str()) call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) endfor call setline(line(".")+1, '') call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) endfunction "FUNCTION: s:renderView {{{2 "The entry function for rendering the tree. Renders the root then calls "s:drawTree to draw the children of the root " "Args: function! s:renderView() execute s:getTreeWinNum() . "wincmd w" setlocal modifiable "remember the top line of the buffer and the current line so we can "restore the view exactly how it was let curLine = line(".") let curCol = col(".") let topLine = line("w0") "delete all lines in the buffer (being careful not to clobber a register) silent 1,$delete _ call s:dumpHelp() "delete the blank line before the help and add one after it call setline(line(".")+1, "") call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) if t:NERDTreeShowBookmarks call s:renderBookmarks() endif "add the 'up a dir' line call setline(line(".")+1, s:tree_up_dir_line) call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) "draw the header line call setline(line(".")+1, t:NERDTreeRoot.path.str(0)) call cursor(line(".")+1, col(".")) "draw the tree call s:drawTree(t:NERDTreeRoot, 0, 0, [], t:NERDTreeRoot.getChildCount() == 1) "delete the blank line at the top of the buffer silent 1,1delete _ "restore the view let old_scrolloff=&scrolloff let &scrolloff=0 call cursor(topLine, 1) normal! zt call cursor(curLine, curCol) let &scrolloff = old_scrolloff setlocal nomodifiable endfunction "FUNCTION: s:renderViewSavingPosition {{{2 "Renders the tree and ensures the cursor stays on the current node or the "current nodes parent if it is no longer available upon re-rendering function! s:renderViewSavingPosition() let currentNode = s:getSelectedNode() "go up the tree till we find a node that will be visible or till we run "out of nodes while currentNode != {} && !currentNode.isVisible() && !currentNode.isRoot() let currentNode = currentNode.parent endwhile call s:renderView() if currentNode != {} call s:putCursorOnNode(currentNode, 0, 0) endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:restoreScreenState() {{{2 " "Sets the screen state back to what it was when s:saveScreenState was last "called. " "Assumes the cursor is in the NERDTree window function! s:restoreScreenState() if !exists("t:NERDTreeOldTopLine") || !exists("t:NERDTreeOldPos") || !exists("t:NERDTreeOldWindowSize") return endif exec("silent ". (s:shouldSplitVertically() ? "vertical" : "") ." resize ".t:NERDTreeOldWindowSize) let old_scrolloff=&scrolloff let &scrolloff=0 call cursor(t:NERDTreeOldTopLine, 0) normal! zt call setpos(".", t:NERDTreeOldPos) let &scrolloff=old_scrolloff endfunction "FUNCTION: s:saveScreenState() {{{2 "Saves the current cursor position in the current buffer and the window "scroll position function! s:saveScreenState() let win = winnr() call s:putCursorInTreeWin() let t:NERDTreeOldPos = getpos(".") let t:NERDTreeOldTopLine = line("w0") let t:NERDTreeOldWindowSize = s:shouldSplitVertically() ? winwidth("") : winheight("") exec win . "wincmd w" endfunction "FUNCTION: s:setupSyntaxHighlighting() {{{2 function! s:setupSyntaxHighlighting() "treeFlags are syntax items that should be invisible, but give clues as to "how things should be highlighted syn match treeFlag #\~# syn match treeFlag #\[RO\]# "highlighting for the .. (up dir) line at the top of the tree execute "syn match treeUp #". s:tree_up_dir_line ."#" "highlighting for the ~/+ symbols for the directory nodes syn match treeClosable #\~\<# syn match treeClosable #\~\.# syn match treeOpenable #+\<# syn match treeOpenable #+\.#he=e-1 "highlighting for the tree structural parts syn match treePart #|# syn match treePart #`# syn match treePartFile #[|`]-#hs=s+1 contains=treePart "quickhelp syntax elements syn match treeHelpKey #" \{1,2\}[^ ]*:#hs=s+2,he=e-1 syn match treeHelpKey #" \{1,2\}[^ ]*,#hs=s+2,he=e-1 syn match treeHelpTitle #" .*\~#hs=s+2,he=e-1 contains=treeFlag syn match treeToggleOn #".*(on)#hs=e-2,he=e-1 contains=treeHelpKey syn match treeToggleOff #".*(off)#hs=e-3,he=e-1 contains=treeHelpKey syn match treeHelpCommand #" :.\{-}\>#hs=s+3 syn match treeHelp #^".*# contains=treeHelpKey,treeHelpTitle,treeFlag,treeToggleOff,treeToggleOn,treeHelpCommand "highlighting for readonly files syn match treeRO #[\/0-9a-zA-Z]\+.*\[RO\]# contains=treeFlag,treeBookmark "highlighting for sym links syn match treeLink #[^-| `].* -> # contains=treeBookmark,treeOpenable,treeClosable,treeDirSlash "highlighing for directory nodes and file nodes syn match treeDirSlash #/# syn match treeDir #[^-| `].*/# contains=treeLink,treeDirSlash,treeOpenable,treeClosable syn match treeExecFile #[|`]-.*\*\($\| \)# contains=treeLink,treePart,treeRO,treePartFile,treeBookmark syn match treeFile #|-.*# contains=treeLink,treePart,treeRO,treePartFile,treeBookmark,treeExecFile syn match treeFile #`-.*# contains=treeLink,treePart,treeRO,treePartFile,treeBookmark,treeExecFile syn match treeCWD #^/.*$# "highlighting for bookmarks syn match treeBookmark # {.*}#hs=s+1 "highlighting for the bookmarks table syn match treeBookmarksLeader #^># syn match treeBookmarksHeader #^>-\+Bookmarks-\+$# contains=treeBookmarksLeader syn match treeBookmarkName #^>.\{-} #he=e-1 contains=treeBookmarksLeader syn match treeBookmark #^>.*$# contains=treeBookmarksLeader,treeBookmarkName,treeBookmarksHeader if g:NERDChristmasTree hi def link treePart Special hi def link treePartFile Type hi def link treeFile Normal hi def link treeExecFile Title hi def link treeDirSlash Identifier hi def link treeClosable Type else hi def link treePart Normal hi def link treePartFile Normal hi def link treeFile Normal hi def link treeClosable Title endif hi def link treeBookmarksHeader statement hi def link treeBookmarksLeader ignore hi def link treeBookmarkName Identifier hi def link treeBookmark normal hi def link treeHelp String hi def link treeHelpKey Identifier hi def link treeHelpCommand Identifier hi def link treeHelpTitle Macro hi def link treeToggleOn Question hi def link treeToggleOff WarningMsg hi def link treeDir Directory hi def link treeUp Directory hi def link treeCWD Statement hi def link treeLink Macro hi def link treeOpenable Title hi def link treeFlag ignore hi def link treeRO WarningMsg hi def link treeBookmark Statement hi def link NERDTreeCurrentNode Search endfunction "FUNCTION: s:shouldSplitToOpen() {{{2 "Returns 1 if opening a file from the tree in the given window requires it to "be split " "Args: "winnumber: the number of the window in question function! s:shouldSplitToOpen(winnumber) "gotta split if theres only one window (i.e. the NERD tree) if winnr("$") == 1 return 1 endif let oldwinnr = winnr() exec a:winnumber . "wincmd p" let specialWindow = getbufvar("%", '&buftype') != '' || getwinvar('%', '&previewwindow') let modified = &modified exec oldwinnr . "wincmd p" "if its a special window e.g. quickfix or another explorer plugin then we "have to split if specialWindow return 1 endif if &hidden return 0 endif return modified && s:bufInWindows(winbufnr(a:winnumber)) < 2 endfunction " Function: s:shouldSplitVertically() {{{2 " Returns 1 if g:NERDTreeWinPos is 'left' or 'right' function! s:shouldSplitVertically() return g:NERDTreeWinPos == 'left' || g:NERDTreeWinPos == 'right' endfunction "FUNCTION: s:stripMarkupFromLine(line, removeLeadingSpaces){{{2 "returns the given line with all the tree parts stripped off " "Args: "line: the subject line "removeLeadingSpaces: 1 if leading spaces are to be removed (leading spaces = "any spaces before the actual text of the node) function! s:stripMarkupFromLine(line, removeLeadingSpaces) let line = a:line "remove the tree parts and the leading space let line = substitute (line,"^" . s:tree_markup_reg . "*","","") "strip off any read only flag let line = substitute (line, ' \[RO\]', "","") "strip off any bookmark flags let line = substitute (line, ' {[^}]*}', "","") "strip off any executable flags let line = substitute (line, '*\ze\($\| \)', "","") let wasdir = 0 if line =~ '/$' let wasdir = 1 endif let line = substitute (line,' -> .*',"","") " remove link to if wasdir == 1 let line = substitute (line, '/\?$', '/', "") endif if a:removeLeadingSpaces let line = substitute (line, '^ *', '', '') endif return line endfunction "FUNCTION: s:toggle(dir) {{{2 "Toggles the NERD tree. I.e the NERD tree is open, it is closed, if it is "closed it is restored or initialized (if it doesnt exist) " "Args: "dir: the full path for the root node (is only used if the NERD tree is being "initialized. function! s:toggle(dir) if s:treeExistsForTab() if !s:isTreeOpen() call s:createTreeWin() call s:renderView() call s:restoreScreenState() else call s:closeTree() endif else call s:initNerdTree(a:dir) endif endfunction "SECTION: Interface bindings {{{1 "============================================================ "FUNCTION: s:activateNode(forceKeepWindowOpen) {{{2 "If the current node is a file, open it in the previous window (or a new one "if the previous is modified). If it is a directory then it is opened. " "args: "forceKeepWindowOpen - dont close the window even if NERDTreeQuitOnOpen is set function! s:activateNode(forceKeepWindowOpen) if getline(".") == s:tree_up_dir_line return s:upDir(0) endif let treenode = s:getSelectedNode() if treenode != {} if treenode.path.isDirectory call treenode.toggleOpen() call s:renderView() call s:putCursorOnNode(treenode, 0, 0) else call s:openFileNode(treenode) if !a:forceKeepWindowOpen call s:closeTreeIfQuitOnOpen() end endif else let bookmark = s:getSelectedBookmark() if !empty(bookmark) if bookmark.path.isDirectory call bookmark.toRoot() else if bookmark.validate() call s:openFileNode(s:TreeFileNode.New(bookmark.path)) endif endif endif endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:bindMappings() {{{2 function! s:bindMappings() " set up mappings and commands for this buffer nnoremap :call handleMiddleMouse() nnoremap :call checkForActivate() nnoremap <2-leftmouse> :call activateNode(0) exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode . " :call activateNode(0)" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit ." :call openEntrySplit(0)" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapPreview ." :call previewNode(0)" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapPreviewSplit ." :call previewNode(1)" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapExecute ." :call executeNode()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively ." :call openNodeRecursively()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen ." :call upDir(1)" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapUpdir ." :call upDir(0)" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapChangeRoot ." :call chRoot()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapChdir ." :call chCwd()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapQuit ." :NERDTreeToggle" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot ." :call refreshRoot()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapRefresh ." :call refreshCurrent()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapHelp ." :call displayHelp()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleHidden ." :call toggleShowHidden()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleFilters ." :call toggleIgnoreFilter()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleFiles ." :call toggleShowFiles()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleBookmarks ." :call toggleShowBookmarks()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapCloseDir ." :call closeCurrentDir()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapCloseChildren ." :call closeChildren()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapFilesystemMenu ." :call showFileSystemMenu()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpParent ." :call jumpToParent()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling ." :call jumpToSibling(1)" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling ." :call jumpToSibling(0)" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild ." :call jumpToFirstChild()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild ." :call jumpToLastChild()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpRoot ." :call jumpToRoot()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab ." :call openInNewTab(0)" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent ." :call openInNewTab(1)" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenExpl ." :call openExplorer()" exec "nnoremap ". g:NERDTreeMapDeleteBookmark ." :call deleteBookmark()" command! -buffer -nargs=1 Bookmark :call bookmarkNode('') command! -buffer -complete=customlist,s:completeBookmarks -nargs=1 RevealBookmark :call revealBookmark('') command! -buffer -complete=customlist,s:completeBookmarks -nargs=1 OpenBookmark :call openBookmark('') command! -buffer -complete=customlist,s:completeBookmarks -nargs=* ClearBookmarks call clearBookmarks('') command! -buffer -complete=customlist,s:completeBookmarks -nargs=+ BookmarkToRoot call s:Bookmark.ToRoot('') command! -buffer -nargs=0 ClearAllBookmarks call s:Bookmark.ClearAll() call renderView() command! -buffer -nargs=0 ReadBookmarks call s:Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(0) call renderView() command! -buffer -nargs=0 WriteBookmarks call s:Bookmark.Write() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:bookmarkNode(name) {{{2 " Associate the current node with the given name function! s:bookmarkNode(name) let currentNode = s:getSelectedNode() if currentNode != {} try call currentNode.bookmark(a:name) call s:renderView() catch /NERDTree.IllegalBookmarkName/ call s:echo("bookmark names must not contain spaces") endtry else call s:echo("select a node first") endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:checkForActivate() {{{2 "Checks if the click should open the current node, if so then activate() is "called (directories are automatically opened if the symbol beside them is "clicked) function! s:checkForActivate() let currentNode = s:getSelectedNode() if currentNode != {} let startToCur = strpart(getline(line(".")), 0, col(".")) let char = strpart(startToCur, strlen(startToCur)-1, 1) "if they clicked a dir, check if they clicked on the + or ~ sign "beside it if currentNode.path.isDirectory let reg = '^' . s:tree_markup_reg .'*[~+]$' if startToCur =~ reg call s:activateNode(0) return endif endif if (g:NERDTreeMouseMode == 2 && currentNode.path.isDirectory) || g:NERDTreeMouseMode == 3 if char !~ s:tree_markup_reg && startToCur !~ '\/$' call s:activateNode(0) return endif endif endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:chCwd() {{{2 function! s:chCwd() let treenode = s:getSelectedNode() if treenode == {} call s:echo("Select a node first") return endif try call treenode.path.changeToDir() catch /^NERDTree.Path.Change/ call s:echoWarning("could not change cwd") endtry endfunction " FUNCTION: s:chRoot() {{{2 " changes the current root to the selected one function! s:chRoot() let treenode = s:getSelectedNode() if treenode == {} call s:echo("Select a node first") return endif call treenode.makeRoot() call s:renderView() call s:putCursorOnNode(t:NERDTreeRoot, 0, 0) endfunction " FUNCTION: s:clearBookmarks(bookmarks) {{{2 function! s:clearBookmarks(bookmarks) if a:bookmarks == '' let currentNode = s:getSelectedNode() if currentNode != {} call currentNode.clearBoomarks() endif else for name in split(a:bookmarks, ' ') let bookmark = s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(name) call bookmark.delete() endfor endif call s:renderView() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:closeChildren() {{{2 " closes all childnodes of the current node function! s:closeChildren() let currentNode = s:getSelectedDir() if currentNode == {} call s:echo("Select a node first") return endif call currentNode.closeChildren() call s:renderView() call s:putCursorOnNode(currentNode, 0, 0) endfunction " FUNCTION: s:closeCurrentDir() {{{2 " closes the parent dir of the current node function! s:closeCurrentDir() let treenode = s:getSelectedNode() if treenode == {} call s:echo("Select a node first") return endif let parent = treenode.parent if parent.isRoot() call s:echo("cannot close tree root") else call treenode.parent.close() call s:renderView() call s:putCursorOnNode(treenode.parent, 0, 0) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:copyNode() {{{2 function! s:copyNode() let currentNode = s:getSelectedNode() if currentNode == {} call s:echo("Put the cursor on a file node first") return endif let newNodePath = input("Copy the current node\n" . \ "==========================================================\n" . \ "Enter the new path to copy the node to: \n" . \ "", currentNode.path.str(0)) if newNodePath != "" "strip trailing slash let newNodePath = substitute(newNodePath, '\/$', '', '') let confirmed = 1 if currentNode.path.copyingWillOverwrite(newNodePath) call s:echo("\nWarning: copying may overwrite files! Continue? (yN)") let choice = nr2char(getchar()) let confirmed = choice == 'y' endif if confirmed try let newNode = currentNode.copy(newNodePath) call s:renderView() call s:putCursorOnNode(newNode, 0, 0) catch /^NERDTree/ call s:echoWarning("Could not copy node") endtry endif else call s:echo("Copy aborted.") endif redraw endfunction " FUNCTION: s:deleteBookmark() {{{2 " if the cursor is on a bookmark, prompt to delete function! s:deleteBookmark() let bookmark = s:getSelectedBookmark() if bookmark == {} call s:echo("Put the cursor on a bookmark") return endif echo "Are you sure you wish to delete the bookmark:\n\"" . bookmark.name . "\" (yN):" if nr2char(getchar()) == 'y' try call bookmark.delete() call s:renderView() redraw catch /^NERDTree/ call s:echoWarning("Could not remove bookmark") endtry else call s:echo("delete aborted" ) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:deleteNode() {{{2 " if the current node is a file, pops up a dialog giving the user the option " to delete it function! s:deleteNode() let currentNode = s:getSelectedNode() if currentNode == {} call s:echo("Put the cursor on a file node first") return endif let confirmed = 0 if currentNode.path.isDirectory let choice =input("Delete the current node\n" . \ "==========================================================\n" . \ "STOP! To delete this entire directory, type 'yes'\n" . \ "" . currentNode.path.strForOS(0) . ": ") let confirmed = choice == 'yes' else echo "Delete the current node\n" . \ "==========================================================\n". \ "Are you sure you wish to delete the node:\n" . \ "" . currentNode.path.strForOS(0) . " (yN):" let choice = nr2char(getchar()) let confirmed = choice == 'y' endif if confirmed try call currentNode.delete() call s:renderView() "if the node is open in a buffer, ask the user if they want to "close that buffer let bufnum = bufnr(currentNode.path.str(0)) if buflisted(bufnum) let prompt = "\nNode deleted.\n\nThe file is open in buffer ". bufnum . (bufwinnr(bufnum) == -1 ? " (hidden)" : "") .". Delete this buffer? (yN)" call s:promptToDelBuffer(bufnum, prompt) endif redraw catch /^NERDTree/ call s:echoWarning("Could not remove node") endtry else call s:echo("delete aborted" ) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:displayHelp() {{{2 " toggles the help display function! s:displayHelp() let t:treeShowHelp = t:treeShowHelp ? 0 : 1 call s:renderView() call s:centerView() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:executeNode() {{{2 function! s:executeNode() let treenode = s:getSelectedNode() if treenode == {} || treenode.path.isDirectory call s:echo("Select an executable file node first" ) else echo "NERDTree executor\n" . \ "==========================================================\n". \ "Complete the command to execute (add arguments etc): \n\n" let cmd = treenode.path.strForOS(1) let cmd = input(':!', cmd . ' ') if cmd != '' exec ':!' . cmd else call s:echo("command aborted") endif endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:handleMiddleMouse() {{{2 function! s:handleMiddleMouse() let curNode = s:getSelectedNode() if curNode == {} call s:echo("Put the cursor on a node first" ) return endif if curNode.path.isDirectory call s:openExplorer() else call s:openEntrySplit(0) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:insertNewNode() {{{2 " Adds a new node to the filesystem and then into the tree function! s:insertNewNode() let curDirNode = s:getSelectedDir() if curDirNode == {} call s:echo("Put the cursor on a node first" ) return endif let newNodeName = input("Add a childnode\n". \ "==========================================================\n". \ "Enter the dir/file name to be created. Dirs end with a '/'\n" . \ "", curDirNode.path.strForGlob() . s:os_slash) if newNodeName == '' call s:echo("Node Creation Aborted.") return endif try let newPath = s:Path.Create(newNodeName) let parentNode = t:NERDTreeRoot.findNode(newPath.getPathTrunk()) let newTreeNode = s:TreeFileNode.New(newPath) if parentNode.isOpen || !empty(parentNode.children) call parentNode.addChild(newTreeNode, 1) call s:renderView() call s:putCursorOnNode(newTreeNode, 1, 0) endif catch /^NERDTree/ call s:echoWarning("Node Not Created.") endtry endfunction " FUNCTION: s:jumpToFirstChild() {{{2 " wrapper for the jump to child method function! s:jumpToFirstChild() call s:jumpToChild(0) endfunction " FUNCTION: s:jumpToLastChild() {{{2 " wrapper for the jump to child method function! s:jumpToLastChild() call s:jumpToChild(1) endfunction " FUNCTION: s:jumpToParent() {{{2 " moves the cursor to the parent of the current node function! s:jumpToParent() let currentNode = s:getSelectedNode() if !empty(currentNode) if !empty(currentNode.parent) call s:putCursorOnNode(currentNode.parent, 1, 0) call s:centerView() else call s:echo("cannot jump to parent") endif else call s:echo("put the cursor on a node first") endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:jumpToRoot() {{{2 " moves the cursor to the root node function! s:jumpToRoot() call s:putCursorOnNode(t:NERDTreeRoot, 1, 0) call s:centerView() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:jumpToSibling() {{{2 " moves the cursor to the sibling of the current node in the given direction " " Args: " forward: 1 if the cursor should move to the next sibling, 0 if it should " move back to the previous sibling function! s:jumpToSibling(forward) let currentNode = s:getSelectedNode() if !empty(currentNode) let sibling = currentNode.findSibling(a:forward) if !empty(sibling) call s:putCursorOnNode(sibling, 1, 0) call s:centerView() endif else call s:echo("put the cursor on a node first") endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:openBookmark(name) {{{2 " put the cursor on the given bookmark and, if its a file, open it function! s:openBookmark(name) try let targetNode = s:Bookmark.GetNodeForName(a:name, 0) call s:putCursorOnNode(targetNode, 0, 1) redraw! catch /NERDTree.BookmarkedNodeNotFound/ call s:echo("note - target node is not cached") let bookmark = s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(a:name) let targetNode = s:TreeFileNode.New(bookmark.path) endtry if targetNode.path.isDirectory call s:openExplorerFor(targetNode) else call s:openFileNode(targetNode) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:openEntrySplit(forceKeepWindowOpen) {{{2 "Opens the currently selected file from the explorer in a "new window " "args: "forceKeepWindowOpen - dont close the window even if NERDTreeQuitOnOpen is set function! s:openEntrySplit(forceKeepWindowOpen) let treenode = s:getSelectedNode() if treenode != {} call s:openFileNodeSplit(treenode) if !a:forceKeepWindowOpen call s:closeTreeIfQuitOnOpen() endif else call s:echo("select a node first") endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:openExplorer() {{{2 function! s:openExplorer() let treenode = s:getSelectedDir() if treenode != {} call s:openExplorerFor(treenode) else call s:echo("select a node first") endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:openInNewTab(stayCurrentTab) {{{2 " Opens the selected node or bookmark in a new tab " Args: " stayCurrentTab: if 1 then vim will stay in the current tab, if 0 then vim " will go to the tab where the new file is opened function! s:openInNewTab(stayCurrentTab) let currentTab = tabpagenr() let treenode = s:getSelectedNode() if treenode != {} if treenode.path.isDirectory tabnew call s:initNerdTree(treenode.path.strForOS(0)) else exec "tabedit " . treenode.path.strForEditCmd() endif else let bookmark = s:getSelectedBookmark() if bookmark != {} if bookmark.path.isDirectory tabnew call s:initNerdTree(bookmark.name) else exec "tabedit " . bookmark.path.strForEditCmd() endif endif endif if a:stayCurrentTab exec "tabnext " . currentTab endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:openNodeRecursively() {{{2 function! s:openNodeRecursively() let treenode = s:getSelectedNode() if treenode == {} || treenode.path.isDirectory == 0 call s:echo("Select a directory node first" ) else call s:echo("Recursively opening node. Please wait...") call treenode.openRecursively() call s:renderView() redraw call s:echo("Recursively opening node. Please wait... DONE") endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:previewNode() {{{2 function! s:previewNode(openNewWin) if a:openNewWin call s:openEntrySplit(1) else call s:activateNode(1) end call s:putCursorInTreeWin() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:revealBookmark(name) {{{2 " put the cursor on the node associate with the given name function! s:revealBookmark(name) try let targetNode = s:Bookmark.GetNodeForName(a:name, 0) call s:putCursorOnNode(targetNode, 0, 1) catch /NERDTree.BookmarkDoesntExist/ call s:echo("Bookmark isnt cached under the current root") endtry endfunction " FUNCTION: s:refreshRoot() {{{2 " Reloads the current root. All nodes below this will be lost and the root dir " will be reloaded. function! s:refreshRoot() call s:echo("Refreshing the root node. This could take a while...") call t:NERDTreeRoot.refresh() call s:renderView() redraw call s:echo("Refreshing the root node. This could take a while... DONE") endfunction " FUNCTION: s:refreshCurrent() {{{2 " refreshes the root for the current node function! s:refreshCurrent() let treenode = s:getSelectedDir() if treenode == {} call s:echo("Refresh failed. Select a node first") return endif call s:echo("Refreshing node. This could take a while...") call treenode.refresh() call s:renderView() redraw call s:echo("Refreshing node. This could take a while... DONE") endfunction " FUNCTION: s:renameCurrent() {{{2 " allows the user to rename the current node function! s:renameCurrent() let curNode = s:getSelectedNode() if curNode == {} call s:echo("Put the cursor on a node first" ) return endif let newNodePath = input("Rename the current node\n" . \ "==========================================================\n" . \ "Enter the new path for the node: \n" . \ "", curNode.path.strForOS(0)) if newNodePath == '' call s:echo("Node Renaming Aborted.") return endif try let bufnum = bufnr(curNode.path.str(0)) call curNode.rename(newNodePath) call s:renderView() "if the node is open in a buffer, ask the user if they want to "close that buffer if bufnum != -1 let prompt = "\nNode renamed.\n\nThe old file is open in buffer ". bufnum . (bufwinnr(bufnum) == -1 ? " (hidden)" : "") .". Delete this buffer? (yN)" call s:promptToDelBuffer(bufnum, prompt) endif call s:putCursorOnNode(curNode, 1, 0) redraw catch /^NERDTree/ call s:echoWarning("Node Not Renamed.") endtry endfunction " FUNCTION: s:showFileSystemMenu() {{{2 function! s:showFileSystemMenu() let curNode = s:getSelectedNode() if curNode == {} call s:echo("Put the cursor on a node first" ) return endif let prompt = "NERDTree Filesystem Menu\n" . \ "==========================================================\n". \ "Select the desired operation: \n" . \ " (a)dd a childnode\n". \ " (m)ove the current node\n". \ " (d)elete the current node\n" if s:Path.CopyingSupported() let prompt = prompt . " (c)opy the current node\n\n" else let prompt = prompt . " \n" endif echo prompt let choice = nr2char(getchar()) if choice ==? "a" call s:insertNewNode() elseif choice ==? "m" call s:renameCurrent() elseif choice ==? "d" call s:deleteNode() elseif choice ==? "c" && s:Path.CopyingSupported() call s:copyNode() endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:toggleIgnoreFilter() {{{2 " toggles the use of the NERDTreeIgnore option function! s:toggleIgnoreFilter() let t:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled = !t:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled call s:renderViewSavingPosition() call s:centerView() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:toggleShowBookmarks() {{{2 " toggles the display of bookmarks function! s:toggleShowBookmarks() let t:NERDTreeShowBookmarks = !t:NERDTreeShowBookmarks if t:NERDTreeShowBookmarks call s:renderView() call s:putCursorOnBookmarkTable() else call s:renderViewSavingPosition() endif call s:centerView() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:toggleShowFiles() {{{2 " toggles the display of hidden files function! s:toggleShowFiles() let t:NERDTreeShowFiles = !t:NERDTreeShowFiles call s:renderViewSavingPosition() call s:centerView() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:toggleShowHidden() {{{2 " toggles the display of hidden files function! s:toggleShowHidden() let t:NERDTreeShowHidden = !t:NERDTreeShowHidden call s:renderViewSavingPosition() call s:centerView() endfunction "FUNCTION: s:upDir(keepState) {{{2 "moves the tree up a level " "Args: "keepState: 1 if the current root should be left open when the tree is "re-rendered function! s:upDir(keepState) let cwd = t:NERDTreeRoot.path.str(0) if cwd == "/" || cwd =~ '^[^/]..$' call s:echo("already at top dir") else if !a:keepState call t:NERDTreeRoot.close() endif let oldRoot = t:NERDTreeRoot if empty(t:NERDTreeRoot.parent) let path = t:NERDTreeRoot.path.getPathTrunk() let newRoot = s:TreeDirNode.New(path) call newRoot.open() call newRoot.transplantChild(t:NERDTreeRoot) let t:NERDTreeRoot = newRoot else let t:NERDTreeRoot = t:NERDTreeRoot.parent endif call s:renderView() call s:putCursorOnNode(oldRoot, 0, 0) endif endfunction "reset &cpo back to users setting let &cpo = s:old_cpo " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: