Tue Jan 20 04:10:53 UTC 2009 Sbopkg 0.XX.X released. This version contains the following fixes and enhancements: * Add in new update code by Mauro Giachero. This greatly improves how the updates are handled. Please note there is a new file /etc/sbopkg/sbopkg-renames that handes a few name changes. If you upgrade sbopkg with theh new package, then this file will be automatically installed. If not, you'll need to grab this file from the source tarball and move it there manually. * Change how selecting/unselecting items in the build queue are handled. Now, when items are unselected, they remain in the queue but are turned "OFF." * Improve how packages are added to the queue. The user is now prompted if they want to replace items already in the queue or skip them. * Merge in a large whitespace/cleanup patch by slakmagik which greatly improves the readability of the code. * Replace the 'Clear Queue' menu item with 'Delete Queue Items' which provides the user the to delete individual items in the queue or clear the entire build queue. * Add in two patches from slakmagik, the first allows the user to have a /local/ directory in the local SBo repository where the user can maintain individual non-SBo SlackBuilds (in the SBo style, however) which will be picked up by sbopkg, the second adds a new sbopkg.conf variable LOGFILE where the user can decide the name and location of the permanent build log, if used. +--------------------------+