SHORT TERM TODO FOR NEXT RELEASE Bring in Mauro's new update list code. DONE. Fix issue where loading/saving queue re-sorts them (have the fix). It should not re-sort -- when loading, it should overwrite or append (see next item); when saving, it should use copy the temp queue to the saved queue, nothing more. DONE. Fix issue where loading backup or user-saved queue overwrites current tmp queue. Suppose user adds a lot to the queue before going to the queue menu? Instead, maybe automatically append or ask if user wants to overwrite or append (have the fix). DONE. Whitespace cleanups - 70 or 78 columns? Leaning towards 78. DONE - 78 :) Add code re: unselecting apps in 'view_queue' changes to OFF, instead of removing them (have this working but not committed yet). See sbopkg ML. DONE. Once the unselecting code is added, need to revisit how to delete individual items from queue. Maybe have the current "Clear Queue" menu item take the user to another checklist of the queue, but in this one unselecting items /will/ remove them and also offer a button to 'clear' the entire queue at once. See sbopkg ML. DONE. Fix issue where download does not complete at all -- maybe mirror times out -- and currently sbopkg still tests for md5sum, which is dumb. It should know if there is nothing in the temporarily-created download directory and tell user that download failed, and not offer to delete the source since there is no source. Along these lines, one user mentioned that when this happened, the item that failed the download was skipped when the user aborted the queue and reran it. I could not reproduce this, but need to check it out. Maybe standardize all the "Done" type dialogs. Perhaps create a simple function that displays "Done" (similar to the empty_queue function) and then call the function whenever a "Done" message is needed. We could even set it so you can pass an argument, which would be specific text depending on what was 'Done', like: done_msg () { MSG=$1 dialog --title "Done" --msgbox "stuff $MSG" } ... done_msg "The cache has been cleared"