Starting with sbopkg version 0.0.8, there is a feature that displays potential updates to SBo packages installed on a user's system. This feature is still a work in progress, and bugs are expected. Most bugs will manifest themselves as either (a) missing updates -- those updates that should appear in the list but do not or (b) false positives -- updates listed in the list that are not really updates at all. If you run into either of these problems, please do the following in order to assist with bug-reporting: As a root user, please open up /usr/bin/sbopkg in your favorite text editor and uncomment the following line in the "Variables" section near the top of the file: #UPDATE_DEBUG="1" so that it looks like this: UPDATE_DEBUG="1" Then, save the file and rerun sbopkg. Please select the update feature as normal and then exit sbopkg. A permanent log of the update list will now be saved in $TMP/sbopkg-debug-updatelist. Please forward this log to me via email to or post in the sbopkg mailing list, which can be found at the project's homepage: Once you have forwarded or copied the log to a safe location, feel free to comment out that single line in /usr/bin/sbopkg again, which will then disable the creation of the permanent update log, keeping your $TMP clean. Of course, leaving the line uncommented is fine as well and will create a new $TMP/sbopkg-debug-updatelist each time the update feature is used. Thanks for your help!