- Extensive support of ActivityPub operations, e.g. write public notes, follow users, be followed, reply to the notes of others, admire wonderful content (like or boost), write private messages...
This program runs as a daemon (proxied by a TLS-enabled real httpd server) and provides the basic services for a Fediverse / ActivityPub instance (sharing messages and stuff from/to other systems like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc.).
This is not the manual; man pages `snac(1)` (user manual), `snac(5)` (formats) and `snac(8)` (administrator manual) are what you are looking for.
If you're compiling on NetBSD, you should use the specific provided Makefile and run `make -f Makefile.NetBSD` and then `make -f Makefile.NetBSD install` as root.
If your compilation process complains about undefined references to `shm_open()` and `shm_unlink()` (it happens, for example, on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS), run it as:
* [Online snac manuals (user, administrator and data formats)](https://comam.es/snac-doc/).
* [How to run your own ActivityPub server on OpenBSD via snac (by Jordan Reger)](https://man.sr.ht/~jordanreger/activitypub-server-on-openbsd/).
* [How to install & run your own ActivityPub server on FreeBSD using snac, nginx, lets'encrypt (by gyptazy)](https://gyptazy.ch/blog/install-snac2-on-freebsd-an-activitypub-instance-for-the-fediverse/).