Alex Schroeder 4c996c7622 Fix mentions with one @ sign
In a mention like the following, the old code had a problem: It would
split the name by '@' and get a list of two elements. Since this is
less than three, it would then try to get the domain name from the
href ("") and concatenate it with the name,
resulting in "".
The reason was that the code expects an initial "@". In that case,
splitting "" would result in three
elements, and no domain name guessing would happen. If, on the other
hand, the name was "@foo" then finding the domain name in the URL and
appending it so that you get is the correct solution.

    "tag": [
            "type": "Mention",
            "href": "",
            "name": ""

The fix consists in prepending an "@" if the name does not start with
"@" and leaving the rest of the code unchanged.
2022-12-07 22:03:32 +01:00

1473 lines
41 KiB

/* snac - A simple, minimalistic ActivityPub instance */
/* copyright (c) 2022 grunfink - MIT license */
#include "xs.h"
#include "xs_io.h"
#include "xs_encdec.h"
#include "xs_json.h"
#include "xs_regex.h"
#include "xs_set.h"
#include "xs_openssl.h"
#include "xs_time.h"
#include "xs_mime.h"
#include "snac.h"
int login(snac *snac, char *headers)
/* tries a login */
int logged_in = 0;
char *auth = xs_dict_get(headers, "authorization");
if (auth && xs_startswith(auth, "Basic ")) {
int sz;
xs *s1 = xs_crop(xs_dup(auth), 6, 0);
xs *s2 = xs_base64_dec(s1, &sz);
xs *l1 = xs_split_n(s2, ":", 1);
if (xs_list_len(l1) == 2) {
logged_in = check_password(
xs_list_get(l1, 0), xs_list_get(l1, 1),
xs_dict_get(snac->config, "passwd"));
return logged_in;
d_char *html_actor_icon(snac *snac, d_char *os, char *actor, char *date, char *url, int priv)
xs *s = xs_str_new(NULL);
xs *name = NULL;
xs *avatar = NULL;
char *p, *v;
/* get the name */
if (xs_is_null((v = xs_dict_get(actor, "name"))) || *v == '\0') {
if (xs_is_null(v = xs_dict_get(actor, "preferredUsername"))) {
v = "user";
name = xs_dup(v);
/* replace the :shortnames: */
if (!xs_is_null(p = xs_dict_get(actor, "tag"))) {
/* iterate the tags */
while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) {
char *t = xs_dict_get(v, "type");
if (t && strcmp(t, "Emoji") == 0) {
char *n = xs_dict_get(v, "name");
char *i = xs_dict_get(v, "icon");
if (n && i) {
char *u = xs_dict_get(i, "url");
xs *img = xs_fmt("<img src=\"%s\" style=\"height: 1em\" loading=\"lazy\"/>", u);
name = xs_replace_i(name, n, img);
/* get the avatar */
if ((v = xs_dict_get(actor, "icon")) != NULL &&
(v = xs_dict_get(v, "url")) != NULL) {
avatar = xs_dup(v);
if (avatar == NULL)
avatar = xs_fmt("data:image/png;base64, %s", susie);
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<p><img class=\"snac-avatar\" src=\"%s\" alt=\"\" loading=\"lazy\"/>\n", avatar);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"p-author h-card snac-author\">%s</a>",
xs_dict_get(actor, "id"), name);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
if (!xs_is_null(url)) {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(" <a href=\"%s\">»</a>", url);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
if (priv)
s = xs_str_cat(s, " <span title=\"private\">&#128274;</span>");
if (xs_is_null(date)) {
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<br>\n&nbsp;\n");
else {
xs *sd = xs_crop(xs_dup(date), 0, 10);
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<br>\n<time class=\"dt-published snac-pubdate\" title=\"%s\">%s</time>\n",
date, sd);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
return xs_str_cat(os, s);
d_char *html_msg_icon(snac *snac, d_char *os, char *msg)
char *actor_id;
xs *actor = NULL;
if ((actor_id = xs_dict_get(msg, "attributedTo")) == NULL)
actor_id = xs_dict_get(msg, "actor");
if (actor_id && valid_status(actor_get(snac, actor_id, &actor))) {
char *date = NULL;
char *url = NULL;
int priv = 0;
if (strcmp(xs_dict_get(msg, "type"), "Note") == 0)
url = xs_dict_get(msg, "id");
priv = !is_msg_public(snac, msg);
date = xs_dict_get(msg, "published");
os = html_actor_icon(snac, os, actor, date, url, priv);
return os;
d_char *html_user_header(snac *snac, d_char *s, int local)
/* creates the HTML header */
char *p, *v;
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n");
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<meta name=\"viewport\" "
"content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\"/>\n");
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<meta name=\"generator\" "
"content=\"" USER_AGENT "\"/>\n");
/* add server CSS */
p = xs_dict_get(srv_config, "cssurls");
while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"%s\"/>\n", v);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
/* add the user CSS */
xs *css = NULL;
int size;
if (valid_status(static_get(snac, "style.css", &css, &size))) {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<style>%s</style>\n", css);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<title>%s (@%s@%s)</title>\n",
xs_dict_get(snac->config, "name"),
xs_dict_get(srv_config, "host"));
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</head>\n<body>\n");
/* top nav */
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<nav class=\"snac-top-nav\">");
xs *s1;
if (local)
s1 = xs_fmt(
"<a href=\"%s.rss\">%s</a> - "
"<a href=\"%s/admin\" rel=\"nofollow\">%s</a></nav>\n",
snac->actor, L("RSS"),
snac->actor, L("private"));
s1 = xs_fmt(
"<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> - "
"<a href=\"%s/admin\">%s</a> - "
"<a href=\"%s/people\">%s</a></nav>\n",
snac->actor, L("public"),
snac->actor, L("private"),
snac->actor, L("people"));
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
/* user info */
xs *bio = NULL;
char *_tmpl =
"<div class=\"h-card snac-top-user\">\n"
"<p class=\"p-name snac-top-user-name\">%s</p>\n"
"<p class=\"snac-top-user-id\">@%s@%s</p>\n"
"<div class=\"p-note snac-top-user-bio\">%s</div>\n"
bio = not_really_markdown(xs_dict_get(snac->config, "bio"));
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(_tmpl,
xs_dict_get(snac->config, "name"),
xs_dict_get(snac->config, "uid"), xs_dict_get(srv_config, "host"),
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
return s;
d_char *html_top_controls(snac *snac, d_char *s)
/* generates the top controls */
char *_tmpl =
"<div class=\"snac-top-controls\">\n"
"<div class=\"snac-note\">\n"
"<form method=\"post\" action=\"%s/admin/note\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n"
"<textarea class=\"snac-textarea\" name=\"content\" "
"rows=\"8\" wrap=\"virtual\" required=\"required\"></textarea>\n"
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"in_reply_to\" value=\"\">\n"
"<p><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"sensitive\"> %s\n"
"<p><input type=\"file\" name=\"attach\">\n"
"<p><input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" value=\"%s\">\n"
"<div class=\"snac-top-controls-more\">\n"
"<form method=\"post\" action=\"%s/admin/action\">\n"
"<input type=\"text\" name=\"actor\" required=\"required\">\n"
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"%s\"> %s\n"
"<form method=\"post\" action=\"%s/admin/action\">\n"
"<input type=\"text\" name=\"id\" required=\"required\">\n"
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"%s\"> %s\n"
"<div class=\"snac-user-setup\">\n"
"<form method=\"post\" action=\"%s/admin/user-setup\">\n"
"<input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"%s\"></p>\n"
"<input type=\"text\" name=\"avatar\" value=\"%s\"></p>\n"
"<textarea name=\"bio\" cols=\"40\" rows=\"4\">%s</textarea></p>\n"
"<p><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cw\" id=\"cw\" %s>\n"
"<label for=\"cw\">%s</label></p>\n"
"<input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" value=\"%s\"></p>\n"
"<input type=\"password\" name=\"passwd1\" value=\"\"></p>\n"
"<input type=\"password\" name=\"passwd2\" value=\"\"></p>\n"
"<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" value=\"%s\">\n"
char *email = xs_dict_get(snac->config, "email");
if (xs_is_null(email))
email = "";
char *cw = xs_dict_get(snac->config, "cw");
if (xs_is_null(cw))
cw = "";
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(_tmpl,
L("Sensitive content"),
L("More options..."),
L("Follow"), L("(by URL or user@host)"),
L("Boost"), L("(by URL)"),
L("User setup..."),
L("User name"),
xs_dict_get(snac->config, "name"),
L("Avatar URL"),
xs_dict_get(snac->config, "avatar"),
xs_dict_get(snac->config, "bio"),
strcmp(cw, "open") == 0 ? "checked" : "",
L("Always show sensitive content"),
L("Email address for notifications"),
L("Password (only to change it)"),
L("Repeat Password"),
L("Update user info")
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
return s;
d_char *html_button(d_char *s, char *clss, char *label)
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" "
"class=\"snac-btn-%s\" value=\"%s\">\n",
clss, label);
return xs_str_cat(s, s1);
d_char *build_mentions(snac *snac, char *msg)
/* returns a string with the mentions in msg */
d_char *s = xs_str_new(NULL);
char *list = xs_dict_get(msg, "tag");
char *v;
while (xs_list_iter(&list, &v)) {
char *type = xs_dict_get(v, "type");
char *href = xs_dict_get(v, "href");
char *name = xs_dict_get(v, "name");
if (type && strcmp(type, "Mention") == 0 &&
href && strcmp(href, snac->actor) != 0 && name) {
if (name[0] != '@') name = xs_str_cat(xs_str_new("@"), name);
xs *l = xs_split(name, "@");
/* is it a name without a host? */
if (xs_list_len(l) < 3) {
/* split the href and pick the host name LIKE AN ANIMAL */
/* would be better to query the webfinger but *won't do that* here */
xs *l2 = xs_split(href, "/");
if (xs_list_len(l2) >= 3) {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("%s@%s ", name, xs_list_get(l2, 2));
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
else {
s = xs_str_cat(s, name);
s = xs_str_cat(s, " ");
return s;
d_char *html_entry_controls(snac *snac, d_char *os, char *msg, int num)
char *id = xs_dict_get(msg, "id");
char *actor = xs_dict_get(msg, "attributedTo");
xs *likes = object_likes(id);
xs *boosts = object_announces(id);
xs *s = xs_str_new(NULL);
xs *md5 = xs_md5_hex(id, strlen(id));
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div class=\"snac-controls\">\n");
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<form method=\"post\" action=\"%s/admin/action\">\n"
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"%s\">\n"
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"actor\" value=\"%s\">\n"
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redir\" value=\"%d_entry\">\n"
snac->actor, id, actor, num
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
if (xs_list_in(likes, snac->md5) == -1) {
/* not already liked; add button */
s = html_button(s, "like", L("Like"));
if (strcmp(actor, snac->actor) == 0 || xs_list_in(boosts, snac->md5) == -1) {
/* not already boosted or us; add button */
s = html_button(s, "boost", L("Boost"));
if (strcmp(actor, snac->actor) != 0) {
/* controls for other actors than this one */
if (following_check(snac, actor)) {
s = html_button(s, "unfollow", L("Unfollow"));
else {
s = html_button(s, "follow", L("Follow"));
s = html_button(s, "mute", L("MUTE"));
s = html_button(s, "delete", L("Delete"));
s = html_button(s, "hide", L("Hide"));
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</form>\n");
/* the post textarea */
xs *ct = build_mentions(snac, msg);
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<p><div class=\"snac-note\" id=\"%s_reply\">\n"
"<form method=\"post\" action=\"%s/admin/note\" "
"enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" id=\"%s_reply_form\">\n"
"<textarea class=\"snac-textarea\" name=\"content\" "
"rows=\"4\" wrap=\"virtual\" required=\"required\">%s</textarea>\n"
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"in_reply_to\" value=\"%s\">\n"
"<p><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"sensitive\"> %s\n"
"<p><input type=\"file\" name=\"attach\">\n"
"<p><input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" value=\"%s\">\n"
snac->actor, md5,
L("Sensitive content"),
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</div>\n");
return xs_str_cat(os, s);
d_char *html_entry(snac *snac, d_char *os, char *msg, int local, int level, int *num)
char *id = xs_dict_get(msg, "id");
char *type = xs_dict_get(msg, "type");
char *actor;
int sensitive = 0;
char *v;
xs *likes = NULL;
xs *boosts = NULL;
/* do not show non-public messages in the public timeline */
if (local && !is_msg_public(snac, msg))
return os;
xs *s = xs_str_new(NULL);
/* top wrap */
if (is_hidden(snac, id))
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div style=\"display: none\">\n");
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div>\n");
if (level == 0) {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<a name=\"%d_entry\"></a>\n", *num);
*num = *num + 1;
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
if (strcmp(type, "Follow") == 0) {
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div class=\"snac-post\">\n");
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<div class=\"snac-origin\">%s</div>\n", L("follows you"));
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
s = html_msg_icon(snac, s, msg);
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</div>\n");
return xs_str_cat(os, s);
if (strcmp(type, "Note") != 0) {
/* skip oddities */
return os;
/* bring the main actor */
if ((actor = xs_dict_get(msg, "attributedTo")) == NULL)
return os;
/* ignore muted morons immediately */
if (is_muted(snac, actor))
return os;
if (strcmp(actor, snac->actor) != 0 && !valid_status(actor_get(snac, actor, NULL)))
return os;
/* if this is our post, add the score */
if (xs_startswith(id, snac->actor)) {
likes = object_likes(id);
boosts = object_announces(id);
/* alternate emojis: %d &#128077; %d &#128257; */
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<div class=\"snac-score\">%d &#9733; %d &#8634;</div>\n",
xs_list_len(likes), xs_list_len(boosts));
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
if (level == 0)
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div class=\"snac-post\">\n");
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div class=\"snac-child\">\n");
if (boosts == NULL)
boosts = object_announces(id);
if (xs_list_len(boosts)) {
/* if somebody boosted this, show as origin */
char *p = xs_list_get(boosts, -1);
xs *actor_r = NULL;
if (xs_list_in(boosts, snac->md5) != -1) {
/* we boosted this */
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<div class=\"snac-origin\">"
"<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> %s</a></div>",
snac->actor, xs_dict_get(snac->config, "name"), L("boosted")
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
if (valid_status(object_get_by_md5(p, &actor_r, NULL))) {
char *name;
if ((name = xs_dict_get(actor_r, "name")) == NULL)
name = xs_dict_get(actor_r, "preferredUsername");
if (!xs_is_null(name)) {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<div class=\"snac-origin\">"
"<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> %s</div>\n",
xs_dict_get(actor_r, "id"),
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
if (strcmp(type, "Note") == 0) {
/* is the parent not here? */
char *parent = xs_dict_get(msg, "inReplyTo");
if (!xs_is_null(parent) && *parent && !object_here(parent)) {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<div class=\"snac-origin\">%s "
"<a href=\"%s\">»</a></div>\n",
L("in reply to"), parent
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
s = html_msg_icon(snac, s, msg);
/* add the content */
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div class=\"e-content snac-content\">\n");
/* is it sensitive? */
if (!xs_is_null(v = xs_dict_get(msg, "sensitive")) && xs_type(v) == XSTYPE_TRUE) {
if (xs_is_null(v = xs_dict_get(msg, "summary")) || *v == '\0')
v = "...";
/* only show it when not in the public timeline and the config setting is "open" */
char *cw = xs_dict_get(snac->config, "cw");
if (xs_is_null(cw) || local)
cw = "";
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<details %s><summary>%s [%s]</summary>\n", cw, v, L("SENSITIVE CONTENT"));
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
sensitive = 1;
#if 0
xs *md5 = xs_md5_hex(id, strlen(id));
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<p><code>%s</code></p>\n", md5);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
xs *c = sanitize(xs_dict_get(msg, "content"));
char *p, *v;
/* do some tweaks to the content */
c = xs_replace_i(c, "\r", "");
while (xs_endswith(c, "<br><br>"))
c = xs_crop(c, 0, -4);
c = xs_replace_i(c, "<br><br>", "<p>");
if (!xs_startswith(c, "<p>")) {
xs *s1 = c;
c = xs_fmt("<p>%s</p>", s1);
/* replace the :shortnames: */
if (!xs_is_null(p = xs_dict_get(msg, "tag"))) {
/* iterate the tags */
while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) {
char *t = xs_dict_get(v, "type");
if (t && strcmp(t, "Emoji") == 0) {
char *n = xs_dict_get(v, "name");
char *i = xs_dict_get(v, "icon");
if (n && i) {
char *u = xs_dict_get(i, "url");
xs *img = xs_fmt("<img src=\"%s\" style=\"height: 1em\" loading=\"lazy\"/>", u);
c = xs_replace_i(c, n, img);
s = xs_str_cat(s, c);
s = xs_str_cat(s, "\n");
/* add the attachments */
char *attach;
if ((attach = xs_dict_get(msg, "attachment")) != NULL) {
char *v;
while (xs_list_iter(&attach, &v)) {
char *t = xs_dict_get(v, "mediaType");
if (xs_is_null(t))
if (xs_startswith(t, "image/")) {
char *url = xs_dict_get(v, "url");
char *name = xs_dict_get(v, "name");
if (url != NULL) {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<p><img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" loading=\"lazy\"/></p>\n",
url, xs_is_null(name) ? "" : name);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
if (xs_startswith(t, "video/")) {
char *url = xs_dict_get(v, "url");
if (url != NULL) {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<p><object data=\"%s\"></object></p>\n", url);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
if (sensitive)
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</details><p>\n");
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</div>\n");
/** controls **/
if (!local)
s = html_entry_controls(snac, s, msg, *num);
/** children **/
xs *children = object_children(id);
int left = xs_list_len(children);
if (left) {
char *p, *cmd5;
if (level < 4)
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div class=\"snac-children\">\n");
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div>\n");
if (left > 3)
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<details><summary>...</summary>\n");
p = children;
while (xs_list_iter(&p, &cmd5)) {
xs *chd = NULL;
object_get_by_md5(cmd5, &chd, NULL);
if (left == 3)
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</details>\n");
if (chd != NULL)
s = html_entry(snac, s, chd, local, level + 1, num);
snac_debug(snac, 2, xs_fmt("cannot read from timeline child %s", cmd5));
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</div>\n");
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</div>\n</div>\n");
return xs_str_cat(os, s);
d_char *html_user_footer(snac *snac, d_char *s)
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<div class=\"snac-footer\">\n"
"<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> - "
"powered by <abbr title=\"Social Networks Are Crap\">snac</abbr></div>\n",
L("about this site")
return xs_str_cat(s, s1);
d_char *html_timeline(snac *snac, char *list, int local, int skip, int show, int show_more)
/* returns the HTML for the timeline */
d_char *s = xs_str_new(NULL);
char *v;
double t = ftime();
int num = 0;
s = html_user_header(snac, s, local);
if (!local)
s = html_top_controls(snac, s);
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<a name=\"snac-posts\"></a>\n");
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div class=\"snac-posts\">\n");
while (xs_list_iter(&list, &v)) {
xs *msg = NULL;
if (!valid_status(object_get_by_md5(v, &msg, NULL)))
s = html_entry(snac, s, msg, local, 0, &num);
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</div>\n");
if (local) {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<div class=\"snac-history\">\n"
"<p class=\"snac-history-title\">%s</p><ul>\n",
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
xs *list = history_list(snac);
char *p, *v;
p = list;
while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) {
xs *fn = xs_replace(v, ".html", "");
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<li><a href=\"%s/h/%s\">%s</a></li>\n",
snac->actor, v, fn);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</ul></div>\n");
s = html_user_footer(snac, s);
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<!-- %lf seconds -->\n", ftime() - t);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
if (show_more) {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<a href=\"%s%s?skip=%d&show=%d\" name=\"snac-more\">%s</a>"
"</p>\n", snac->actor, local ? "" : "/admin", skip + show, show, L("More..."));
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</body>\n</html>\n");
return s;
d_char *html_people_list(snac *snac, d_char *os, d_char *list, const char *header, const char *t)
xs *s = xs_str_new(NULL);
xs *h = xs_fmt("<h2>%s</h2>\n", header);
char *p, *actor_id;
s = xs_str_cat(s, h);
p = list;
while (xs_list_iter(&p, &actor_id)) {
xs *md5 = xs_md5_hex(actor_id, strlen(actor_id));
xs *actor = NULL;
if (valid_status(actor_get(snac, actor_id, &actor))) {
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div class=\"snac-post\">\n");
s = html_actor_icon(snac, s, actor, xs_dict_get(actor, "published"), NULL, 0);
/* content (user bio) */
char *c = xs_dict_get(actor, "summary");
if (!xs_is_null(c)) {
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div class=\"snac-content\">\n");
xs *sc = sanitize(c);
if (xs_startswith(sc, "<p>"))
s = xs_str_cat(s, sc);
else {
xs *s1 = xs_fmt("<p>%s</p>", sc);
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</div>\n");
/* buttons */
s = xs_str_cat(s, "<div class=\"snac-controls\">\n");
xs *s1 = xs_fmt(
"<p><form method=\"post\" action=\"%s/admin/action\">\n"
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"actor\" value=\"%s\">\n",
snac->actor, actor_id,
md5, t
s = xs_str_cat(s, s1);
if (following_check(snac, actor_id))
s = html_button(s, "unfollow", L("Unfollow"));
s = html_button(s, "follow", L("Follow"));
if (is_muted(snac, actor_id))
s = html_button(s, "unmute", L("Unmute"));
s = html_button(s, "mute", L("MUTE"));
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</form>\n");
/* the post textarea */
xs *s2 = xs_fmt(
"<p><div class=\"snac-note\" id=\"%s_%s_dm\">\n"
"<form method=\"post\" action=\"%s/admin/note\" "
"enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" id=\"%s_reply_form\">\n"
"<textarea class=\"snac-textarea\" name=\"content\" "
"rows=\"4\" wrap=\"virtual\" required=\"required\"></textarea>\n"
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"to\" value=\"%s\">\n"
"<p><input type=\"file\" name=\"attach\">\n"
"<p><input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" value=\"%s\">\n"
L("Direct Message..."),
md5, t,
snac->actor, md5,
s = xs_str_cat(s, s2);
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</div>\n");
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</div>\n");
return xs_str_cat(os, s);
d_char *html_people(snac *snac)
d_char *s = xs_str_new(NULL);
xs *wing = following_list(snac);
xs *wers = follower_list(snac);
s = html_user_header(snac, s, 0);
s = html_people_list(snac, s, wing, L("People you follow"), "i");
s = html_people_list(snac, s, wers, L("People that follows you"), "e");
s = html_user_footer(snac, s);
s = xs_str_cat(s, "</body>\n</html>\n");
return s;
int html_get_handler(d_char *req, char *q_path, char **body, int *b_size, char **ctype)
char *accept = xs_dict_get(req, "accept");
int status = 404;
snac snac;
xs *uid = NULL;
char *p_path;
int cache = 1;
int save = 1;
char *v;
xs *l = xs_split_n(q_path, "/", 2);
v = xs_list_get(l, 1);
if (xs_is_null(v)) {
srv_log(xs_fmt("html_get_handler bad query '%s'", q_path));
return 404;
uid = xs_dup(v);
/* rss extension? */
if (xs_endswith(uid, ".rss")) {
uid = xs_crop(uid, 0, -4);
p_path = ".rss";
p_path = xs_list_get(l, 2);
if (!uid || !user_open(&snac, uid)) {
/* invalid user */
srv_log(xs_fmt("html_get_handler bad user %s", uid));
return 404;
/* return the RSS if requested by Accept header */
if (accept != NULL) {
if (xs_str_in(accept, "text/xml") != -1 ||
xs_str_in(accept, "application/rss+xml") != -1)
p_path = ".rss";
/* check if server config variable 'disable_cache' is set */
if ((v = xs_dict_get(srv_config, "disable_cache")) && xs_type(v) == XSTYPE_TRUE)
cache = 0;
int skip = 0;
int show = xs_number_get(xs_dict_get(srv_config, "max_timeline_entries"));
char *q_vars = xs_dict_get(req, "q_vars");
if ((v = xs_dict_get(q_vars, "skip")) != NULL)
skip = atoi(v), cache = 0, save = 0;
if ((v = xs_dict_get(q_vars, "show")) != NULL)
show = atoi(v), cache = 0, save = 0;
if (p_path == NULL) {
/* public timeline */
xs *h = xs_str_localtime(0, "%Y-%m.html");
if (cache && history_mtime(&snac, h) > timeline_mtime(&snac)) {
snac_debug(&snac, 1, xs_fmt("serving cached local timeline"));
*body = history_get(&snac, h);
*b_size = strlen(*body);
status = 200;
else {
xs *list = timeline_list(&snac, "public", skip, show);
xs *next = timeline_list(&snac, "public", skip + show, 1);
*body = html_timeline(&snac, list, 1, skip, show, xs_list_len(next));
*b_size = strlen(*body);
status = 200;
if (save)
history_add(&snac, h, *body, *b_size);
if (strcmp(p_path, "admin") == 0) {
/* private timeline */
if (!login(&snac, req))
status = 401;
else {
if (cache && history_mtime(&snac, "timeline.html_") > timeline_mtime(&snac)) {
snac_debug(&snac, 1, xs_fmt("serving cached timeline"));
*body = history_get(&snac, "timeline.html_");
*b_size = strlen(*body);
status = 200;
else {
snac_debug(&snac, 1, xs_fmt("building timeline"));
xs *list = timeline_list(&snac, "private", skip, show);
xs *next = timeline_list(&snac, "private", skip + show, 1);
*body = html_timeline(&snac, list, 0, skip, show, xs_list_len(next));
*b_size = strlen(*body);
status = 200;
if (save)
history_add(&snac, "timeline.html_", *body, *b_size);
if (strcmp(p_path, "people") == 0) {
/* the list of people */
if (!login(&snac, req))
status = 401;
else {
*body = html_people(&snac);
*b_size = strlen(*body);
status = 200;
if (xs_startswith(p_path, "p/")) {
/* a timeline with just one entry */
xs *id = xs_fmt("%s/%s",, p_path);
xs *msg = NULL;
if (valid_status(object_get(id, &msg, NULL))) {
xs *md5 = xs_md5_hex(id, strlen(id));
xs *list = xs_list_new();
list = xs_list_append(list, md5);
*body = html_timeline(&snac, list, 1, 0, 0, 0);
*b_size = strlen(*body);
status = 200;
if (xs_startswith(p_path, "s/")) {
/* a static file */
xs *l = xs_split(p_path, "/");
char *id = xs_list_get(l, 1);
int sz;
if (valid_status(static_get(&snac, id, body, &sz))) {
*b_size = sz;
*ctype = xs_mime_by_ext(id);
status = 200;
if (xs_startswith(p_path, "h/")) {
/* an entry from the history */
xs *l = xs_split(p_path, "/");
char *id = xs_list_get(l, 1);
if ((*body = history_get(&snac, id)) != NULL) {
*b_size = strlen(*body);
status = 200;
if (strcmp(p_path, ".rss") == 0) {
/* public timeline in RSS format */
d_char *rss;
xs *elems = timeline_simple_list(&snac, "public", 0, 20);
xs *bio = not_really_markdown(xs_dict_get(snac.config, "bio"));
char *p, *v;
/* escape tags */
bio = xs_replace_i(bio, "<", "&lt;");
bio = xs_replace_i(bio, ">", "&gt;");
rss = xs_fmt(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
"<rss version=\"0.91\">\n"
"<title>%s (@%s@%s)</title>\n"
xs_dict_get(snac.config, "name"),
xs_dict_get(srv_config, "host"),,
p = elems;
while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) {
xs *msg = NULL;
if (!valid_status(object_get_by_md5(v, &msg, NULL)))
char *id = xs_dict_get(msg, "id");
if (!xs_startswith(id,
xs *content = sanitize(xs_dict_get(msg, "content"));
xs *title = xs_str_new(NULL);
int i;
/* escape tags */
content = xs_replace_i(content, "<", "&lt;");
content = xs_replace_i(content, ">", "&gt;");
for (i = 0; content[i] && content[i] != '<' && content[i] != '&' && i < 40; i++)
title = xs_append_m(title, &content[i], 1);
xs *s = xs_fmt(
title, id, content
rss = xs_str_cat(rss, s);
rss = xs_str_cat(rss, "</channel>\n</rss>\n");
*body = rss;
*b_size = strlen(rss);
*ctype = "application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8";
status = 200;
snac_debug(&snac, 1, xs_fmt("serving RSS"));
status = 404;
if (valid_status(status) && *ctype == NULL) {
*ctype = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
return status;
int html_post_handler(d_char *req, char *q_path, d_char *payload, int p_size,
char **body, int *b_size, char **ctype)
int status = 0;
snac snac;
char *uid, *p_path;
char *p_vars;
xs *l = xs_split_n(q_path, "/", 2);
uid = xs_list_get(l, 1);
if (!uid || !user_open(&snac, uid)) {
/* invalid user */
srv_log(xs_fmt("html_post_handler bad user %s", uid));
return 404;
p_path = xs_list_get(l, 2);
/* all posts must be authenticated */
if (!login(&snac, req)) {
return 401;
p_vars = xs_dict_get(req, "p_vars");
#if 0
xs *j1 = xs_json_dumps_pp(p_vars, 4);
printf("%s\n", j1);
if (p_path && strcmp(p_path, "admin/note") == 0) {
/* post note */
char *content = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "content");
char *in_reply_to = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "in_reply_to");
char *attach_url = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "attach_url");
char *attach_file = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "attach");
char *to = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "to");
char *sensitive = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "sensitive");
xs *attach_list = xs_list_new();
/* is attach_url set? */
if (!xs_is_null(attach_url) && *attach_url != '\0')
attach_list = xs_list_append(attach_list, attach_url);
/* is attach_file set? */
if (!xs_is_null(attach_file) && xs_type(attach_file) == XSTYPE_LIST) {
char *fn = xs_list_get(attach_file, 0);
if (*fn != '\0') {
char *ext = strrchr(fn, '.');
xs *ntid = tid(0);
xs *id = xs_fmt("%s%s", ntid, ext);
xs *url = xs_fmt("%s/s/%s",, id);
int fo = xs_number_get(xs_list_get(attach_file, 1));
int fs = xs_number_get(xs_list_get(attach_file, 2));
/* store */
static_put(&snac, id, payload + fo, fs);
attach_list = xs_list_append(attach_list, url);
if (content != NULL) {
xs *msg = NULL;
xs *c_msg = NULL;
xs *content_2 = xs_replace(content, "\r", "");
msg = msg_note(&snac, content_2, to, in_reply_to, attach_list);
if (sensitive != NULL) {
xs *t = xs_val_new(XSTYPE_TRUE);
msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "sensitive", t);
msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "summary", "...");
c_msg = msg_create(&snac, msg);
post(&snac, c_msg);
timeline_add(&snac, xs_dict_get(msg, "id"), msg, in_reply_to, NULL);
status = 303;
if (p_path && strcmp(p_path, "admin/action") == 0) {
/* action on an entry */
char *id = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "id");
char *actor = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "actor");
char *action = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "action");
if (action == NULL)
return 404;
snac_debug(&snac, 1, xs_fmt("web action '%s' received", action));
status = 303;
if (strcmp(action, L("Like")) == 0) {
xs *msg = msg_admiration(&snac, id, "Like");
if (msg != NULL) {
post(&snac, msg);
timeline_admire(&snac, msg, id,, 1);
if (strcmp(action, L("Boost")) == 0) {
xs *msg = msg_admiration(&snac, id, "Announce");
if (msg != NULL) {
post(&snac, msg);
timeline_admire(&snac, msg, id,, 0);
if (strcmp(action, L("MUTE")) == 0) {
mute(&snac, actor);
if (strcmp(action, L("Unmute")) == 0) {
unmute(&snac, actor);
if (strcmp(action, L("Hide")) == 0) {
hide(&snac, id);
if (strcmp(action, L("Follow")) == 0) {
xs *msg = msg_follow(&snac, actor);
if (msg != NULL) {
/* reload the actor from the message, in may be different */
actor = xs_dict_get(msg, "object");
following_add(&snac, actor, msg);
enqueue_output_by_actor(&snac, msg, actor, 0);
if (strcmp(action, L("Unfollow")) == 0) {
/* get the following object */
xs *object = NULL;
if (valid_status(following_get(&snac, actor, &object))) {
xs *msg = msg_undo(&snac, xs_dict_get(object, "object"));
following_del(&snac, actor);
enqueue_output_by_actor(&snac, msg, actor, 0);
snac_log(&snac, xs_fmt("unfollowed actor %s", actor));
snac_log(&snac, xs_fmt("actor is not being followed %s", actor));
if (strcmp(action, L("Delete")) == 0) {
/* delete an entry */
if (xs_startswith(id, {
/* it's a post by us: generate a delete */
xs *msg = msg_delete(&snac, id);
post(&snac, msg);
/* FIXME: also post this Tombstone to people
that Announce'd it */
snac_log(&snac, xs_fmt("posted tombstone for %s", id));
timeline_del(&snac, id);
snac_log(&snac, xs_fmt("deleted entry %s", id));
status = 404;
/* delete the cached timeline */
if (status == 303)
history_del(&snac, "timeline.html_");
if (p_path && strcmp(p_path, "admin/user-setup") == 0) {
/* change of user data */
char *v;
char *p1, *p2;
if ((v = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "name")) != NULL)
snac.config = xs_dict_set(snac.config, "name", v);
if ((v = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "avatar")) != NULL)
snac.config = xs_dict_set(snac.config, "avatar", v);
if ((v = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "bio")) != NULL)
snac.config = xs_dict_set(snac.config, "bio", v);
if ((v = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "cw")) != NULL &&
strcmp(v, "on") == 0) {
snac.config = xs_dict_set(snac.config, "cw", "open");
} else { /* if the checkbox is not set, the parameter is missing */
snac.config = xs_dict_set(snac.config, "cw", "");
if ((v = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "email")) != NULL)
snac.config = xs_dict_set(snac.config, "email", v);
/* password change? */
if ((p1 = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "passwd1")) != NULL &&
(p2 = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "passwd2")) != NULL &&
*p1 && strcmp(p1, p2) == 0) {
xs *pw = hash_password(snac.uid, p1, NULL);
snac.config = xs_dict_set(snac.config, "passwd", pw);
xs *fn = xs_fmt("%s/user.json", snac.basedir);
xs *bfn = xs_fmt("%s.bak", fn);
FILE *f;
rename(fn, bfn);
if ((f = fopen(fn, "w")) != NULL) {
xs *j = xs_json_dumps_pp(snac.config, 4);
fwrite(j, strlen(j), 1, f);
rename(bfn, fn);
history_del(&snac, "timeline.html_");
xs *a_msg = msg_actor(&snac);
xs *u_msg = msg_update(&snac, a_msg);
post(&snac, u_msg);
status = 303;
if (status == 303) {
char *redir = xs_dict_get(p_vars, "redir");
if (xs_is_null(redir))
redir = "snac-posts";
*body = xs_fmt("%s/admin#%s",, redir);
*b_size = strlen(*body);
return status;